Corrigans Beach Reserve, Hanging Rock and Observation Point – your say, online

Media release: 16 September 2019

Planning continues for the Hanging Rock, Corrigans Beach Reserve and Observation Point crown-land reserves near Batemans Bay, with more opportunities for the community to have their say thanks to an online survey, open now.

Eurobodalla Council’s recreation planner Steve Picton said the survey was another opportunity for the wider community to share their thoughts on current issues and future opportunities in the area. The information will help develop plans for the future of the area.

“Council staff and planning consultants have met with 22 stakeholder groups to date,” Mr Picton said.

“The four-hour community drop-in session was also well attended, with residents from Observation Avenue keen for upgraded infrastructure at Observation Point that maximises viewing options while preserving environmental and cultural values”.

Mr Picton said alongside the online survey Council would place hard copies at Batemans Bay Library, and further engage with property owners of Observation Avenue and business owners in Batehaven.