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Saving energy at home

Simple actions around your home can help you save money and protect our environment.

This page provides you with tips and incentives that will help to reduce your power use and save money on your electricity bill. You can also find out about support networks that will assist you with your home energy use.

Energy smart tips

Reduce your energy consumption at home by following these simple suggestions:

  • Wait for a full load in the dishwasher or washing machine before using.
  • Switch off lights in rooms that you are not using. This simple action can save you approximately $120 each year.
  • Switch off appliances at the wall to save standby power (and up to 11% of an average electricity bill).
  • Choose energy efficient whitegood and electrical appliances. You should use the energy rating label to guide your purchase.
  • Take shorter showers and replace electric hot water systems with solar hot water. Water heating can account for up to one-third of your household energy bill.
  • Consider getting rid of your second, almost empty, fridge.
  • Try and avoid using your clothes dryer as they are big energy consumers - use your clothesline instead.
  • Wash your clothes in cold water - you can save approximately $35 each year off your power bill.
  • Replace your lights with LED bulbs as these use the least amount of electricity.
  • Don't overheat. Ideally, you should keep rooms at 18 to 21 degrees in winter. Each one degree rise in temperature can increase the heating component of your power bill by up to ten per cent.

Energy rebates and incentives

There are a range of energy rebates and incentives the NSW Government is offering to help reduce energy in the home, and your electricity bills.

By accessing these rebates and discounts, you can cut back on your energy use, save on power bills and help the environment.

The NSW Government is offering a way to help people on low incomes reduce their electricity bills and provide them with access to affordable clean energy. If you're eligible, you could receive a free three-kilowatt solar system installed in your home. The Rebate Swap for Solar Program aims to improve energy affordability by helping households unlock long-term savings on their electricity bills.

Find out if you qualify for the Rebate Swap for Solar Program. You must hold a valid pensioner concession card or Department of Veterans Affairs’ gold card and receive the Low-Income Household Rebate.

Under the NSW Government's Smart Distributed Batteries Project, residents and businesses in the Eurobodalla may be eligible to receive a point-of-sale discount of up to $4,950 for battery installation to pair with rooftop solar systems. The level of discount depends on the output of the inverter/battery system, eg, a ten-kilowatt battery exporting up to five kilowatts eligible for a $4,950 discount.

For more information or to apply, contact the local supplier solarhub.

Energy efficiency means using less energy to provide the same service or achieve the same result. There are many simple things you can do to save energy in the home - from turning off appliances to using cold water in your washing machine.

You may be able to benefit from a range of energy efficiency upgrades in your home. This includes replacing downlights with LEDs under the Energy Savings Scheme. Accredited businesses carry out the upgrades. They may also be able to provide discounted energy savings services or products.

You can access a range of energy rebates and discounts designed to improve energy efficiency in your home.

The NSW Government also offers discounts and incentives for businesses to reduce energy use and save on power bills. You can take advantage of many schemes which include subsidies for new appliances and equipment.

Solar panels

Solar panels provide a way of capturing sunlight and converting it into electricity. They reduce the amount of electricity you need from the grid, which lowers your energy costs.

The average household can save up to $900 each year by installing a four-kilowatt solar system on their roof.

In most cases you can add solar panels to your home as exempt development, which means you don’t need approval from Council. It is important that you only use a licensed builder or electrician to install the solar panels.

Solar battery systems

If you're considering buying and owning a battery system, the Guide to owning a battery can help you make an informed decision. The guide provides information covering topics such as:

  • understanding your energy use
  • how solar and battery systems work
  • whether a battery will save you money
  • benefits of installing a battery
  • buying a solar battery - what to look out for.

More information

We can help you

If you need more information about saving energy, contact Council's Sustainability Coordinator, Heidi Thomson, on: