Community profile and statistics
Council's community profile and forecast tool provides information about the local population and building approvals and is a great resource for investors, businesses, students, community groups and the general public.
The data is presented in simple tables and charts, and is explained with concise factual commentary. You can also download detailed reports for the Eurobodalla Shire or specific localities.
Council's community profile also includes results from the 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991 Censuses of population and housing, while the forecast online tool provides population projections up to the year 2036.
The Eurobodalla Aboriginal community profile also uses information derived from Census data and provides specific information about Aboriginal people living in the Eurobodalla Shire.
Online tools
- Eurobodalla community profile: results from the 2021, 2016, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996, and 1991 Censuses of Population and Housing.
- Eurobodalla economic profile: key economic statistics for the Eurobodalla Shire.
- Eurobodalla population forecasts: population and household forecasts.
- Eurobodalla community atlas: key socio-demographic characteristics presented as interactive maps.
National Sea Change Taskforce Report
This report is about measuring temporary populations. Its main aim is to quantify the temporary populations associated with holiday homes along the Australian coastline situated in 'sea change' localities:
Eurobodalla Shire Aboriginal Community Profile
A snapshot of Census information related to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living in the Eurobodalla Shire in 2006:
Employment Lands Audit
In 2016, 2013 and 2010, Council undertook an audit of land zoned for commercial or industrial development to find out about important changes to economic activity in Eurobodalla Shire.
The audits were undertaken in the October/November period between the usually quiet winter season and the busy summer season.
The following sections detail the results:
By far, Batemans Bay contains the largest number of businesses of those located in commercial or industrial zones in the Eurobodalla. This is appropriate given Batemans Bay is our most important centre, being designated as a regional centre in the NSW Government’s South Coast Regional Strategy.
In addition to an increase in the number of businesses in commercial and industrial zones, the number of business premises (ie, shops, offices and factory buildings) has increased. In commercial zones, the number of premises increased from 793 in 2010 to 856 in 2016, an increase of 63. In industrial zones, the number of premises increased from 322 in 2010 to 354 in 2016, an increase of 32. The increase in the number of premises is due to a number of factors, including the construction of new commercial and industrial buildings, the inclusion of additional land with existing business premises in commercial and industrial zones, and internal changes to existing buildings to accommodate more businesses.
In commercial areas in November 2016, 71 of the 856 business premises were vacant, a vacancy rate of 8.3%. This compares to the vacancy rates in 2010 of 9.8% and in 2013 of 9.7%. So, while the number of premises and the number of vacant premises change over time, the vacancy rate has been steadily declining.
In industrial areas in November 2016, 21 of the 354 business premises were vacant, a vacancy rate of 5.9%. This compares to the vacancy rates in 2010 of 14.3% and in 2013 of 8.1%. In industrial areas, the number of premises has increased at a smaller rate than the increase in the number of businesses, resulting in a significant decline in the vacancy rate. This low vacancy rate supports the need to find more land that can be developed for industrial development into the future.
In 2010, there were 715 businesses in commercial zones and 167 businesses in industrial zones. Since that time, the total number of businesses grew by 73 in commercial zones and by 56 in industrial zones. This represents an average annual increase of 12.5 new businesses in commercial zones and 9.3 new businesses in industrial zones. There are now 788 businesses in commercial zones and 332 businesses in industrial zones.
In addition to businesses in commercial and industrial zones, there are a range of businesses right across Eurobodalla, from a wide range of home businesses in residential areas, to agricultural businesses in rural areas, to recreational and tourist businesses in a range of locations and mobile businesses. Approximately 60% of all businesses registered in Eurobodalla are located outside of a commercial or industrial zone.
Whilst there has been an increase in business activity in our commercial and industrial areas, the total number of businesses in Eurobodalla has fallen from 3,037 in 2011 to 2,763 in 2015, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Count of Australian Businesses. The reduction in businesses occurred mostly in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector (292 to 230) and the construction sector (725 to 642).
The reduction in business numbers is more than offset by an increase in business productivity, demonstrating that businesses are growing in size. According to the National Institute of Economic and Industry Research, the total value-add of all industries in Eurobodalla increased from $1,002.5m in 2010/11 to $1,035.6m in 2014/15. For the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector, the value-add decreased slightly from $33m to $32.1m, however the construction sector increased significantly from $89.7m to $106.4m over the same period.
The audit categorised businesses by the following types: commercial, industrial or community. Commercial businesses include: retail shops, offices, cafes, restaurants, motels, medical facilities and the like. Industrial businesses include: manufacturing businesses, warehouses and motor vehicle repair businesses. The community category includes government services and community facilities.
Commercial zones in Eurobodalla are dominated by commercial businesses, while our industrial zones provide a greater mix of land-uses.
For commercial uses, the audit further breaks down the types of businesses into six categories:
- retail (eg, shops, hairdressers)
- professional services (eg, offices, real estate agents, banks)
- food and drink premises (eg, cafes, restaurants, hotels)
- medical (eg, doctors, dentists etc,)
- accommodation (eg, motels)
- entertainment (eg, cinema).
Across all employment areas, the most common type of commercial businesses are retail businesses, with a relatively large number of professional services also available.
Changes in the amount of vacant land zoned for commercial and industrial purposes is also an important indicator of whether the amount of zoned land is sufficient to support economic growth.
In 2016, there were 82 vacant lots zoned for commercial development across Eurobodalla. Of these, only 22 are located in our three major centres - 11 in Batemans Bay, 8 in Moruya and 3 in Narooma. There are also 12 vacant lots in Mogo, 9 in Surfside and 6 in Kianga.
Since 2010, the number of lots included in the commercial audit has significantly increased (from 466 in 2010 to 774 in 2016). This is mostly due to the application in 2012 of the RU5 Village Zone to Nelligen, Bodalla, Central Tilba and Tilba Tilba, where a mix of residential and commercial developments are permitted with consent. As a result, the number of vacant lots also increased significantly (from 59 to 82). If these villages are discounted, there has been very little change in the number of vacant commercial lots, and in fact there has been a slight increase from 56 in 2012 to 58 in 2016. This is the net result from the addition of some new commercial zoning to vacant land less the development of some existing vacant land over that time. In terms of percentages, the commercial land vacancy rate has decreased from 12.7% in 2010 to 10.6% in 2016.
The changes in relation to industrial land are much more straightforward. The number of lots zoned for industrial development has increased from 304 in 2010 to 307 in 2016, while the number of vacant lots has decreased over the same period from 54 to 41. As a result, the industrial land vacancy rate has decreased from 17.8% to 13.4%. This further stresses the need to find more land for industrial development into the future.
To find out more, please contact us:
- T: 4474 1000
- E: Council