Household waste and bins
Council provides residents in the domestic collection area with three bins:
- a red-lidded general waste bin collected weekly
- a yellow-lidded recycling bin collected fortnightly
- a green-lidded garden organics bin collected fortnightly.
Find your area's bin pickup days in the waste and recycling calendar:
If your property is within the domestic collection area, you can take part in our yearly clean-outs for hazardous household chemicals and junk items too bulky for the household bin.
You can also take waste to our waste management facilities at Surf Beach, Moruya and Brou.
For general waste enquiries, including stolen, damaged, or extra bins phone Council:
- T: 02 4474 1024
For waste and recycling collection, including missed services phone Cleanaway on:
- T: 02 4445 7901