Tenders and EOI
Eurobodalla Council advertises Requests for Tenders (RFTs) and some Expressions of Interest (EOIs) on this page and on our Tenderlink portal.
We ensure that all policies, procedures and practices related to tendering, contracting and purchasing are consistent with best practice and the highest standards of ethical conduct.
Our business dealings will be transparent and open to public scrutiny wherever possible.
- Business ethics, key principles, and guidance on doing business with Council.
- Purchase order terms and conditions (1.4 MB)
Submit a tender or express your interest
Any person willing to fulfil the requirements of the proposed contract can submit a tender or express their interest before the listed closing date.
- Tender documents are available for free on the Tenderlink website. You can submit your tender via Tenderlink.
- EOI documents are usually available on this page.
- Click the name of a tender or EOI to access the documents and details.
Current tenders and EOIs
- Tender: 2425-082 Bulk Facility Cleaning
Closing: Tuesday 18 March 2025
Contact: Zarik Biglia via Tenderlink helpdesk
How to register on tenderlink
- Tenderlink is free to use and gives you immediate access to tender documents.
- Tenderlink provides a full audit trail and reduces the time and costs for Eurobodalla Council and our suppliers.
Before you can respond to items on tenderlink, you will need to register/create an account. To do this:
- Open the tenderlink portal.
- Select the registration tab
- Enter your email address to create your unique supplier profile.
- Once complete, you will receive confirmation of your registration.
If you need help registering and using tenderlink, contact the Tenderlink Help Desk:
- T: 1800 233 533
Current tender submissions
- RFT-10057221 Brou waste management facility expansion landfill cell design (124.5 KB)
- RFT 2425-046 Cleaning of public facilities (toilets) (694.5 KB)
- RFT 2425-001 Concrete supply panel (123.6 KB)
- RFT 2325-250 Landfill gas capture and flaring, operation and maintenance (180.3 KB)
- RFT 2425-157 Brou Waste Management Facility expansion environmental impact statement (51.6 KB)
Current contracts
A requirement of the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (Section 3, division 5) is that Council maintain a register of government contracts valued at $150,000 or more.
- Class 1 contracts: contracts that the agency is a party to, which has (or is likely to have) a value of $150,000 or more.
- Class 2 contracts: additional information is required to be entered in the government contracts register for class 1 contracts to which any of the following applies:
- when a there has not been a tender process,
- the proposed contract has been the subject of a tendering process and the terms and conditions of the contract have been substantially negotiated with the successful tenderer,
- the obligations of one or more parties under the contract to maintain or operate infrastructure or assets for 10 or more years,
- the contract involves a privately financed project as defined by guidelines published by the Treasury,
- the contract involves transfer of a significant agency concerned to another party to the contract in exchange for the transfer of an asset to the agency.
- Class 3 contracts: if a class 2 contract has (or is likely to have) a value of $5 million or more.
Confidential information
Under section 32(1) of the GIPA Act, confidential information is not required to be included in this Register, including:
(a) the commercial-in-confidence provisions of a contract
(b) details of any unsuccessful tender
(c) any matter that could reasonably be expected to affect public safety or security
(d) a copy of a contract, a provision of a contract or any other information in relation to a contract that is of such a nature that its inclusion would result in there being an overriding public interest against disclosure.
Generally, the types of information that will not be included in this Register include:
- personal information
- commercial-in-confidence contract provisions
- any other information where there is an overriding public interest against its disclosure (see section 14 of the GIPA Act).
A copy of the contract will not be included in this Register where the contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence, or where there is an overriding public interest against disclosure of the information. If a copy of a contract or its provisions are not included in this Register for these reasons, it is not intended that a copy of the contract or provisions will be included in this Register at a later date.