Download Eurobodalla Council application forms and checklists from this page.
- Most of these forms require you to provide your personal information which is used for the purpose of dealing with your application or request.
- For more information about collection, use, and/ or disclosure of your personal information, please read our privacy statement.
A-Z application forms and checklists
- Access and inclusion checklist for businesses (258.6 KB)
- Accessibility and inclusion checklist for accommodation businesses (129.0 KB)
- Activities approval application (1.2 MB)
- After School Care booking form (154.5 KB)
- Application for active recreation seasonal hire (241.8 KB)
- Application for change of address details (4.6 MB)
- Application for footpath trading licence (454.6 KB)
- Application for installation of a manufactured home, moveable dwelling or associated structure in caravan park & checklist (3.3 MB)
- Application for installation of a relocatable home, moveable dwelling, rigid annexe or associated structure elsewhere than a caravan park & checklist (828.6 KB)
- Application for public venue hire (198.9 KB)
- Application for reissue/new fire safety schedule (1.7 MB)
- Application for renewal of caravan park/camping ground approval (1.6 MB)
- Application for swimming pool barrier inspection (417.1 KB)
- Application for wedding on community land (255.4 KB)
- Application form: Request for improvement to community infrastructure (343.3 KB)
- Application form: Use of grounds (430.7 KB)
- Application to remove or prune trees (917.2 KB)
- Application to view building plans (2.6 MB)
- Batemans Bay OOSH Kids school holiday booking form (201.7 KB)
- Building records search (295.9 KB)
- Burn vegetation (222.4 KB)
- Bushfire attack level (BAL) risk assessment application (931.2 KB)
- Bushfire risk assessment certificate (987.5 KB)
- Business water-saving program - expression of interest form (1.0 MB)
- Busking application form (211.5 KB)
- Certificate of exemption (swimming pool) application (2.0 MB)
- Code of Conduct complaint form (496.6 KB)
- Commercial filming application 2024/25 (624.5 KB)
- Community infrastructure guidelines (609.4 KB)
- Community Transport registration form (446.7 KB)
- Concealed leak concession application (743.7 KB)
- Construction certificate - appointment of the principal certifier (3.1 MB)
- Contract for certification work (2.0 MB)
- Credit card form (340.9 KB)
- Currents Battle of the Bands entry form (153.6 KB)
- Development application (subdivision) - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (2.6 MB)
- Development application - claim against performance criteria (181.8 KB)
- Development application - DA - (commercial, industrial or change of use) - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (3.8 MB)
- Development application - DA - (modification) - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (1.5 MB)
- Development application - DA - (residential/alterations and/or additions) - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (803.6 KB)
- Development application - DA - (use of existing unapproved building or works) - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (3.8 MB)
- Development application - estimated cost of works (1.1 MB)
- Development application - pre-lodgement advice request (1.5 MB)
- Development application - surrender/withdrawal of consent (1.8 MB)
- Event permit application form (644.1 KB)
- Financial hardship application form (284.2 KB)
- Heritage nomination form (233.1 KB)
- Informal request to view a property file (2.4 MB)
- Liquid trade waste application form (3.0 MB)
- Mobile food vendor application (973.3 KB)
- Moruya OOSH Kids school holiday booking form (204.6 KB)
- Narooma OOSH Kids school holiday booking form (237.4 KB)
- NDIS request for service form (339.1 KB)
- NDIS request for services for under 18s (355.8 KB)
- Nominate a Significant Tree (967.0 KB)
- Notice of completion of installation - private land or caravan park (1.9 MB)
- Notification of food business (1.1 MB)
- Noxious weeds certificate (1.6 MB)
- Occupation certificate - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (1.8 MB)
- On-site sewage management system application (995.1 KB)
- On-site sewage management system decommission declaration (4.3 MB)
- On-site sewage management systems application to downgrade risk rating (952.3 KB)
- Owners consent form - for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (2.0 MB)
- Plumbing notice of works and certificate of compliance forms (366.7 KB)
- Political donations and gifts disclosure statement (281.1 KB)
- Public art fact sheet and submission form (277.0 KB)
- Rates and water direct debit (89.7 KB)
- Rating category application - farmland (267.7 KB)
- Request access to another person's personal information held by Council (Stat Dec) (204.2 KB)
- Request access to your own personal information held by Council (1.2 MB)
- Request to alter your own personal information held by Council (207.5 KB)
- Section 10.7 certificate (227.5 KB)
- Section 138 application - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (223.3 KB)
- Section 305 certificate - water management act 2000 (NSW) (430.9 KB)
- Section 603 certificate (280.7 KB)
- Section 68 application - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (209.9 KB)
- Section 735a certificate (349.4 KB)
- Service drainage (internal) diagram (348.2 KB)
- Sewer mains (external) diagram application (1.5 MB)
- Sewer service diagram - A4 landscape template (with grid) (214.6 KB)
- Sewer service diagram - A4 portrait template (142.4 KB)
- Solid fuel heater application form and checklist (2.3 MB)
- Special water meter reading (1.6 MB)
- Statement of Environmental Effects (3.1 MB)
- Street stall application form (218.9 KB)
- Subdivision certificate - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (305.2 KB)
- Subdivision works certificate - checklist for lodgement on the NSW Planning Portal (2.6 MB)
- Tax invoice direct debit (476.1 KB)
- Toilet rebate - application form (138.0 KB)
- Washing machine rebate - application form (278.8 KB)
- Water mains diagram application (1.5 MB)
- Water meter application - commercial industrial over 20mm (2.3 MB)
- Water meter application - urban residential 20mm (1.9 MB)
- Water meter disconnection application (1.9 MB)
- Water pressure certificate application (1.9 MB)