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Community recycling centre

Household problem waste accepted for recycling

Not all household waste can be put in your kerbside bins. However, you can visit our community recycling centre located at Surf Beach waste management facility to drop off various problem wastes for recycling, such as paint, smoke detectors, and household and car batteries (see below), all year-round for free. Only household quantities of these materials will be accepted. As a guide, this is a maximum container of 20 litres or 20 kilograms for each waste type.

You'll need to make sure that you handle and transport your items carefully. You can protect your vehicle by placing items on a protective sheet or tray in the boot to capture any leakages or breakages.

Many of these materials can be reused and recycled if processed correctly. Recycling helps our environment because it saves water, energy and natural resources.

Dangerous goods and items other than those listed on this page will not be accepted.

This project is a NSW EPA waste less, recycle more initiative funded from the waste levy.

Other recycling items accepted for free

These items, when clean and separated, are accepted for free at Surf Beach and Brou tips, and Moruya transfer station (domestic quantities only - a limit of 2m³ applies to Moruya transfer station):

  • cooking oil
  • TVs
  • computers (including computer peripherals)
  • DVD and video players
  • sound systems
  • gaming machines etc,
  • mobile phones
  • fluorescent light globes/tubes
  • household batteries.

Surf Beach and Brou waste management facilities will also accept cars, motors, trailers and caravans.

Contact us

If you need more information about our community recycling centre, waste management facilities or the services they provide, contact waste services on: