Building and certification
This page outlines building and certification-related processes and requirements, including fire safety, pools and spas.
If you're planning on building and your Development Application (DA) is approved (consent issued), you must:
- have a Construction Certificate (CC)
- appoint a Principal Certifier (PC) to carry out inspections during the construction process.
Appoint a Principal Certifier
You will need to appoint a PC before starting any building work. A PC is a registered certifier that oversees the construction or subdivision process. The PC carries out the required inspections throughout the construction period at critical stages. The PC's role is to ensure the development is completed in line with the:
- conditions of the development consent, approved plans and documents
- National Construction Code
- any associated restrictions listed on the title of the property.
Once construction is complete
Once building work has finished, your PC will complete final inspections and may issue the Occupation Certificate if you've met all requirements.