Plumbing approvals
Council is the regulator of plumbing and drainage work on behalf of NSW Fair Trading, within the Eurobodalla local government area.
All plumbing and drainage work needs approval from Council. You must be a NSW licensed plumber to carry out the work and you'll need to comply with the Plumbing Code of Australia and Australia Standard AS/NZS 3500 (the Standards).
Council carries out all plumbing inspections in Eurobodalla, except stormwater inspections.
If you need to carry out any plumbing work, follow the steps outlined on this page.
Before you carry out any plumbing works, you will need to get Council approval under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. This includes:
- water supply work
- sewerage work
- stormwater drainage
- connecting private to public drains/sewers
- disposing of waste into a Council-controlled sewer.
You can apply for approval through a stand-alone application (Section 68 Application) or as part of a Development Application (DA).
To apply with a DA, tick the Section 68 approval box.
After you get approval from Council, you'll need to notify us of the plumbing work before you start. The Plumbing and Drainage Act 2011 (the Act) requires that plumbers notify the regulator (Council) of all work that is not minor work under the Act. Examples of minor work include:
- minor work on tap washers
- replacing hot water heaters, like for like
- opening of inspection opening to clear a sewer choke.
You will need to submit a Notice of Works (NOW) for all other plumbing work.
Notify Council and submit a Notice of Works
Notify Council no later than two business days before you start any plumbing work:
For work that does not require inspection, you'll still need to submit a Combined Notice of Work and Certificate of Compliance (COC).
After you submit your Notice of Works, you can start booking your plumbing inspections.
Book your plumbing inspections
You can now book your plumbing inspections by SMS text. Please email us to register and we'll text you the details so you can start booking:
To use this service, you'll need to provide us with:
- your name
- your email address
- mobile number
- property address
- application number.
You'll receive a confirmation text once we've booked your inspection.
After you complete the plumbing work, you'll need to submit to Council:
- Certificate of Compliance (COC): Confirms the work complies with the Act, Plumbing and Drainage Regulation 2017, Plumbing Code of Australia, and the Standards. It also identifies you, as the plumber, responsible for the work.
- Sewer service diagram (SSD): Shows the location of private sewer pipes on a property.
You must prepare the SSD in line with NSW Fair Trading requirements.
Please submit the SSD no later than seven business days after you have completed the work.
Download the COC and SSD
How to submit your documents to Council
You'll need to submit your Notice of Works, Certificate of Compliance and sewer service diagram by email to: