Home composting and worm farming
Composting and worm farming are natural ways of recycling. These methods divert organic waste from going into landfill and help reduce the amount of harmful gases released into the atmosphere.
You can use composted materials on your garden to keep your soil healthy as the products produced make a great natural fertiliser. Using compost in your garden is one of the best ways to put nutrients back into the soil. Rich soil increases yield, improves plant health and reduces the need for artificial fertilisers.
Choose a system that works for you
Compost bins
In compost bins, microscopic organisms turn kitchen and garden waste into decomposed organic matter known as compost.
When used in the garden, compost provides soil with essential nutrients, breaks up heavy clay soils and helps sandy soils retain moisture.
The wider variety of material you put in the compost, the better your end product will be.
Read our tips, tricks and how-to guides for more information about composting:
Worm farms
Worm farms are a great way to turn leftover kitchen scraps into a rich, natural fertiliser.
Worms make structures called worm casts and it is these casts that create the fertiliser. They can be placed straight onto your garden or mixed with water to make a liquid fertiliser for pot plants.
Learn some interesting facts about worms, worm farms and solutions to problems you may encounter:
Free workshops
Council hosts free workshops twice a year - usually in March and September - where you can learn how to start or improve composting at home.
- All participants receive a free home composting kit upon completion of the workshop.
- The kit includes a compost bin and kitchen bench top caddy to help you start composting at home.
Council also hosts free worm farming workshops to give you helpful tips on how to get started or how to improve an existing worm farm.
- All participants will be eligible for a free worm farm at the conclusion of the workshop for their household.
Upcoming events
More information
- Eurobodalla Council: Other free nature-based events and activities
- NSW Government: Love food hate waste
Contact us
Council staff are available to come and talk to your school or community group about how to start composting food waste - it's a great way to reduce waste and help look after the environment.
If you need more information about composting or worm farming, or you would like to arrange a visit, please contact waste services on:
- T: 4474 1024
- E: Council's waste services