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Lodge, track and plan

View a DA online using a QR code: March 2025

You can now view a development proposal online by scanning our QR code with your mobile phone.

If you're seeking approval of a new build or renovation, you can submit a development application (DA) online anywhere, any time.

You can track the progress of an existing DA, from lodgement to decision. The online tracking tool aims to provide applicants with up to date information on the progress of their development.

Community members can see development proposals on exhibition within Eurobodalla and make a submission online at:

Development proposals on exhibition

Purchasers and developers can also use the online tools on this page to find out about:

  • zoning
  • building height restrictions
  • development control plans (DCPs)
  • types of development that you can carry out on a property.

DA tracking tool

Use our DA tracking tool to check the progress of your DA or construction certificates (after it's determined).

This tool allows you to track your application and provides up to date information on its status:

Council may notify a development application (DA) where the proposal:

  • is considered to have a potential impact on adjoining and adjacent properties, or
  • does not meet a standard in the acceptable solutions of the development control plan.
Community members can view these proposals and make a submission online during the exhibition period at:

Council must notify and exhibit a DA in line with the:

How to make a submission

During the exhibition period, community members can give feedback about a proposal. They can do this by making an online submission to Council:

  1. Find the development proposal you want to make a submission about on Council's DA tracker.
  2. Click on the DA number (application ID).
  3. Read the 'Making a submission fact sheet' at the bottom of the page.
  4. Click on the 'Lodge submission' button.
  5. Complete the submission, upload any documents and click on the 'Submit' button.

The assessing officer will review any submissions received and may ask the applicant to respond to the issues raised. This will occur before the assessing officer determines the application.

Land-mapping tool

Our land-mapping tool provides information about property boundaries, imagery and town planning schemes:

NSW Planning Portal

The NSW Planning Portal allows you to find out the types of development you can carry out on your property. It also outlines other information to consider when planning your development, like bushfire and flooding risks:

You must submit applications such as DAs and post-consent certificates on the NSW Planning Portal.

You can apply for the various certificates required after you get consent, online. Find out more information about these certificates and why you might need to apply:

Find out more about the DA process and guidelines for submitting your application on the NSW Planning Portal on our DA process page.

Our construction process page outlines the steps you need to take to apply for a construction certificate and occupy the building.

How to apply for your certificates or searches online

You can apply for various certificates and searches online by using our eServices system:

  1. Register for an eProperty user account to start your application.
  2. Log in to submit the online application form.
  3. Complete and submit your application.
  4. Pay for your application.
  5. Once processed, your certificate or search will be issued to you by email.

Find out more about these certificates and searches:

When preparing a development proposal, you need to make sure it references the development standards in the relevant environmental plan. The plan for Eurobodalla Shire is the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2012. This plan provides the zoning for each site and outlines key development standards. These include building heights and minimum lot sizes.

To vary any of these development standards, your DA will need to address them under clause 4.6 of the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2012. This clause gives you the chance to show that the variation to the development standard(s) is justifiable.

To view the register of DAs where consent has been given with a variation to development standard SEPP1 or clause 4.6:

Contact us

For assistance using the NSW Planning Portal please contact Service NSW:

If you would like to discuss the details of your application or supporting documents you need to lodge, please contact Council's Development Help Desk: