Community Strategic Plan
The Community Strategic Plan is the highest-level plan that a council and its community will prepare.
Its purpose is to identify the community's main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals. In doing this, the planning process considers the issues and pressures that may affect the community and the level of resources that will realistically be available to achieve its aspirations.
While Council has a custodial role in initiating, preparing and maintaining the plan on behalf of the community, it is not wholly responsible for its implementation. Other partners, such as State Agencies and community groups are also responsible for the delivery of the plan. The aim of the plan is to encourage council, the community and other agencies to work together as one community to deliver on our vision for the future.
Eurobodalla Towards 2042
Is the Plan still accurately capturing our community’s main priorities and goals for future Eurobodalla?
During February and March 2024, we checked in through a variety of methods to ensure it does.
The feedback will help us to look for key values for our area and see what trends emerge for our region. This will inform the update of our Community Strategic Plan.
In late 2024, we'll put a draft of the plan out for community feedback to make sure we've captured the community's aspirations for future Eurobodalla.
- For more information visit Towards 2042 - Our Eurobodalla