Batemans Bay waterfront with shops and jetty alongside the water banner image

Settlement strategy and structure plans

Eurobodalla Settlement Strategy

The Eurobodalla Settlement Strategy (the Strategy) provides a framework to direct future planning and investment decisions for a period of 25 years from 2006 to 2031. The Strategy, together with structure plans for Moruya, Narooma and Batemans Bay, will inform the future integrated local environmental plan for Eurobodalla Shire.

There are many factors that have influenced the content of the Strategy. Some of these factors are:

  • high population growth
  • the need for housing choice
  • the need to protect coastal ecosystems and scenic values
  • the need for employment opportunities
  • the lack of alternative transport modes
  • the need to provide infrastructure.

The Strategy is aligned with the South East and Tablelands Regional Plan 2036, prepared by the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, Illawarra and South Coast Regional Office.

Read the Strategy


Broadly, the aims of the Eurobodalla Settlement Strategy are to effectively:

  • conserve biodiversity
  • respect our diverse cultural background
  • stimulate economic and community development
  • provide efficient public services.

The approach is one that takes into account land capability and the carrying capacity of the land to determine appropriate land-uses. It is also about generating social capital - cohesion, trust and human support systems through community economic development and a sustainable pattern of settlement.


At the core of the Strategy is the belief that containing new development and accommodating population growth within compact well-planned settlements, will bring social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits. The objectives of the Strategy include, to:

  • balance urban growth within ecological, natural resource and servicing constraints
  • strengthen the role of the major centres of Batemans Bay, Moruya and Narooma, and reinforce the existing commercial hierarchy to ensure that neighbourhoods are centered around services and civic facilities
  • provide opportunities for greater diversity in retail and commercial businesses by supporting active and vibrant town and village centres, and protecting the viability and safety of main streets
  • consolidate growth in existing urban and rural residential areas to prevent new unsustainable settlement patterns developing, such as ribbon development
  • limit coastal sprawl and maintain separation between settlements
  • protect and enhance the cultural, social, heritage, ecological and visual characteristics of each locality, and
  • provide a greater range of housing choices to address the needs of various lifecycle stages and socio-economic categories.


This plan sets out the planning framework for protection of the environment, traffic movement and connectivity, and the scale, pattern and broad location of development for Moruya.

Greater Batemans Bay

This plan sets the broad scale strategic framework for the development of the twelve communities included in the greater Batemans Bay locality.

Batemans Bay town centre

This plan sets out the vision for the Batemans Bay town centre, with the aim to build a vibrant and diverse town centre environment for current and future generations.

As well as the Eurobodalla Settlement Strategy, these plans and strategies should also be considered when preparing Development Applications and planning proposals:

More information

For more information, please contact Council's Senior Strategic Planner, Hamish Sinclair: