Event guides and tips
If you're new to planning an event, you can use Council's Events Policy and the information on this page to help you get started:
- Eurobodalla Council Events Policy (733.4 KB)
You can also sign-up to receive semi-regular updates for event organisers, including grant and sponsorship opportunities:
Entertainments and amusement devices
Amusement devices+
Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, operators of amusement devices such as rides must apply to Eurobodalla Council for approval to operate.
The amusement device application form must be completed and returned to Council before the amusement device can operate for public use. The application form must be accompanied by:
- A copy of your current SafeWork NSW Registration relating to the specific ride/s
- A copy of the Certificate of Currency showing $20 million public liability insurance related to the specific ride/s.
- the application fee in accordance with Council’s adopted fees and charges.
Council will attend and facilitate the applications and undertake required inspections on-site.
As the event organiser, if you are unsure if an amusement operator attending your event requires approval, contact Council’s Development Services on (02) 4474 7444.
Inflatable devices+
All operators of jumping castles and other inflatable devices are required to have public liability insurance cover of at least $20 Million ($20,000,000) per claim for the intended hire period. A Certificate of Currency must be submitted to Council a minimum of five (5) days prior to the event.
All inflatable devices must be designed and constructed in accordance with Australian Standard 3533, 1-1997.
While in use, each inflatable device must be supervised by a responsible person trained in all aspects of its safe operation.
Inflatable devices must not be operated in periods when wind velocity exceeds 45km/hr. If the wind velocity approaches this level, the device must be cleared and deflated immediately.
While in use, each inflatable device must be securely restrained in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.
If any part of the restraining system fails, the device must be cleared and if necessary, deflated until the restraining system can be made secure again.
All inflatable devices must have a minimum setback of 10 metres from any playground, picnic shelter or eating area.
Under the NSW Explosives Act, it is illegal to operate fireworks in NSW without a licence from SafeWork NSW. A pyro-technician’s license or single use licence needs to be obtained from SafeWork NSW for the display of any fireworks. This licence will specify the types of fireworks that are permitted.
Eurobodalla Shire Council will require proof of the pyro-technician’s Public Liability insurance for a minimum of $20 million dollars, five (5) days prior to the event start date.
With respect to the display of fireworks on Council owned or managed land, Eurobodalla Shire Council requires such land to be suitably set back from the adjoining land users and not cause undue interference with the amenity of the area. Event organisers must also advertise through local media the date and time of the fireworks display to give pet owners sufficient notice.
If fireworks are planned for your event, you are required to advise Council, as well as the local fire brigade and police, at least two weeks before the event.
For detailed information about the operation of fireworks and the licences required, visit SafeWork NSW or phone 13 10 50.
To minimise environmental impacts, Council prohibits the release of balloons at all events in Council managed reserves or at those events conducted by Council. Using balloons is allowed, but not the releasing them.
It is also illegal to release 20 or more gas-inflated balloons at or about the same time (Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997- Amendment (Balloons) Act 2000).
Noise control+
Managing noise levels is an important part of planning your event. Under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997:
- The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) is the regulatory authority responsible for regulating noise from scheduled events and noise emitted by public authorities.
- Council is responsible for the management of noise in relation to non-scheduled activities or events.
- Local police may become involved in other neighbourhood noise issues.
There are restrictions on the level of noise that may be emitted throughout the day and night and whether the noise is considered ‘offensive.’
In Eurobodalla, a formal Noise Impact Statement may be required where there is the likelihood of amplified music or other significant noise generating activities or events.
Event organisers may be required to provide a clearance pass for Council’s Environmental Health Officer or compliance staff for access to all areas of the event prior to the event start date.
Council venues and locations
Popular venues+
There are many parks, gardens, and facilities you can book for events in Eurobodalla. Our most popular venues include:
- Mackay Park
- Corrigans Beach Reserve
- Hanging Rock
- Riverside Park
- Moruya Showground
- Bill Smyth Oval
- Gundary Oval
- NATA Oval
- Eurobodalla Regional Botanic Garden
- Community centres available for hire
You can find out more each facility on our booking website.
For more information, or to arrange a site visit, please contact our booking office:
- E: booking office
- T: 02 4474 7447
Environmentally sensitive venues (parks and gardens)+
Council’s parks and sport grounds are environmentally sensitive venues. Because of this, event organisers must outline what steps will be taken to ensure protection of the turf, trees, heritage features and park facilities during bump in, bump out and the duration of the event. Organisers should consider:
- Irrigation lines: If temporary structures are being erected, underground irrigation lines must be marked out by Council prior to erection to avoid damage. For Council underground assets contact Council on 02 4474 1391.
- Dial-Before-You-Dig requirements: If any structure is to be pegged or staked in the ground, the event organiser is required to confirm with Eurobodalla Shire Council and call Dial Before You Dig on 1100 or refer to Dial before you dig to obtain the relevant plans.
Locations to display promotional banners and signs+
- Council has a number of sites available for erection of promotional banners and signs. Banner sites can be booked three weeks prior to your event start date.
- You must include your Certificate of Currency demonstrating a minimum of $20 million Public Liability insurance cover with your request.
- Banner sites are able to be booked to promote your event for two weeks prior to your event date.
For information on site locations and how to book, please contact us:
- T: 02 4474 1000.
Cancellation due to ground conditions+
Eurobodalla Shire Council reserves the right to cancel an event scheduled to be held on Council Land if the ground conditions are considered to be unsuitable to sustain an event.
Common event permits
Event licence agreements+
Under section 47A of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, an event licence agreement is needed for any event longer than three consecutive days - this includes bump-in and bump-out event days. If unsure if your event will require a licence, confirm with Council’s event team. Ensure you allow up to six (6) months for licence approval.
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
Development applications for events+
If an event is to be held on land that is not normally used for the same purpose as the event, an application will be required to enable a temporary use of the land. Examples of events that require a development application can include:
- markets that are held on land that is otherwise used as a car park or a recreation area
- music events in parks.
Event organisers should ensure their applications are lodged at least four months prior to the event date to allow enough time for assessment and condition requirements to be met.
Blanket development consent+
Council has approved blanket development applications in place for various types of events. These allow a range of events to take place at specific venues without the need for an event-specific development application. Locations of blanket development applications include Mackay Park and Hanging Rock.
If you want to hold an event at one of these locations, you are required to submit an event application to determine if it meets the criteria. If your event meets the criteria of the blanket development consent you will be required to adhere to the conditions.
If your event does not meet the criteria of the blanket development application you will need to apply for a development application for your event.
Temporary structures+
Before erecting any temporary structures at your event, you will need to seek advice from Council. Temporary structures may include stages, marquees, tiered seating, lighting gantries or similar.
Event organisers may be required to obtain development consent and an occupation certificate for temporary structures. Should your event require consent, plans, specifications and relevant structural certificates will be required. In addition, Council may deem that a compliance inspection is necessary and if carried out, inspection fees will apply.
Hiring, setting up, pulling down and general use of temporary structures must comply with the SafeWork NSW practices and guidelines.
Section 138: Activities on roads, road reserves, nature strips, and footpaths+
Consent is required under Section 138 of the NSW Roads Act 1993 for any works or activities in a road reserve, public road way, public footpath or nature strip.
This may include, but is not limited to temporary fencing, marquees, scaffolding, light towers, cranes and staging. An application for approval should be submitted a minimum of six weeks prior to your event.
Temporary event camping+
Temporary event camping is currently only permitted at the Moruya Showground. A development application is required for other locations.
- If you are applying for event related camping at Moruya Showground, you may only need to apply for approval under section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993.
- If the site proposed does not have existing event-related camping in place, a development application will be required.
- If the land is bushfire-prone a fire safety approval under 100B of the Rural Fires Act administered by the NSW RFS will be required. Please note, consideration on realistic time frames must be given to this type of proposal.
When applying for approval under Section 68, you will need to show on your site plan that any camping facilities comply with the Local Government (Manufactured Home Estates, Caravan Parks, Camping Grounds and Moveable Dwellings) Regulation 2021. Please ensure your application is submitted at least three months prior to your event start date.
NSW Police notification of public assembly+
A public assembly is defined as a group of people who gather in a public place for a common purpose. This could be to celebrate or commemorate an event, to protest, or for a variety of reasons.
In NSW, the Summary Offences Act 1988 provides a legal process to apply to have a public assembly which gives legal protection that prevents those involved from being prosecuted for obstructing traffic or people, and other offences associated with unlawful assemblies.
A Notice of Intention to Hold a Public Assembly should be completed and submitted to the NSW Commissioner of Police via your local NSW Police a minimum of 6 weeks prior.
Temporary food stalls+
Operating a food stall at an event falls under the classification of a ‘temporary food business’. All food businesses under this classification:
- must comply with the NSW Food Authority’s Guidelines for Food Businesses at Temporary Events
- are subject to inspection(s) by Eurobodalla Shire Council at any time during the event
- must appoint a Food Safety Supervisor for the duration of the event.
All food businesses must register with Council to maintain their responsibility to sell safe and suitable food, and effectively demonstrate management of food safety risks. Different rules apply to mobile food vendors.
It is the event organiser’s responsibility to ensure that all stallholders are registered and that details of all food business are submitted to Council at least five days prior to the event start date. You may also be requested to provide information to Council on your food stalls.
For more information, please visit the NSW Government Food Authority website or contact Council’s Public and Environmental Health Team on 4474 1310.
Serving alcohol (limited liquor licence)+
Organising an event where liquor will be sold will require a limited licence under the Liquor Act 2007.
To sell alcohol at your event you are required to:
- notify local police and Council at least four months (16 weeks) prior to your event start date
- make in writing any requests for suspending an alcohol-free zone or part thereof, to Council at least three months (12 weeks) prior to your event start date
- obtain a licence from Liquor and Gaming NSW. Visit Liquor and Gaming for more information on obtaining and applying for a licence. Please lodge your application at least 30 days prior to your event start date.
Council will need to see evidence of your liquor licence prior to your event start date.
Anyone serving alcohol at your event is required to be Responsible Service of Alcohol qualified (RSA). RSA courses are held regularly in Eurobodalla, check with your local education provider for details.
If alcohol is served at your event, it is a legal requirement that potable drinking water is always available and free of charge to attendees.
Other public locations (and permits)
Crown land (short-term licence)+
If holding an event on Crown land not managed by Eurobodalla Shire Council, you may need a short-term licence. For licence approval, it is recommended that you submit your application at least two (2) months prior to your event start date. A one-off rental fee may apply.
For more information, visit filming, events and short-term licences on the NSW Crown Lands website.
Native Title advice for events on Crown Land+
If your event is on Crown land you may need to request Native Title advice. Eurobodalla Council’s event team will alert you if this advice is needed and assist in the application process. Please ensure you allow up to two (2) months for approval.
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
Aboriginal land (Local Aboriginal Land Council approval)+
If you are looking to hold your event on local Aboriginal land, you will need to seek approval from the Local Aboriginal Land Council.
If you're unsure if your event is to be held on local Aboriginal land, or who to contact to seek your approval, contact Council's team on:
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
National parks (NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service approval)+
If you are holding your event in a National Park you may need approval from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), when your event matches one of the following:
- more than 150 people
- exclusive use
- crosses multiple NPWS Areas
- high environmental impact
- imposed by another government agency
Apply on the National Parks and Wildlife Service website.
Applications should be received at least three (3) months in advance of the event to allow adequate time for the review process. There are fees associated with this application process.
For events in national parks that do not meet the conditions listed, contact your local NPWS area office for a small-scale application form.
If you're unsure if your event meets the conditions, contact NPWS for more information:
State forests (NSW Forestry Corporation permit)+
Forest permits are required for events and activities held in a state forest. The NSW Forestry Corporation asks you contact your closest Forestry Corporation office to discuss your proposed activity or event before applying for a Forest Permit.
A minimum of four (4) weeks is required by the NSW Forestry Corporation for a permit application to be assessed. Forest Permits attract fees based on the nature, intensity and number of people involved.
For more information on permits, visit Forestry Corporation permits - events and activities.
Batemans Marine Park (marine park permit)+
A variety of activities and events, including sporting events, will require a marine park permit if your event is to be held in any area of the Batemans Marine Park.
For more information on marine park permits or to apply, visit the Department of Primary Industries: Batemans Bay Marine Park permits.
Transport for NSW (aquatic event license for activities in navigable waters)+
An aquatic event licence may be required by Transport for NSW for organised activities on, or in, navigable waters including:
- a race, competition or exhibition (whether or not vessels or equipment are involved) that’s conducted, organised or promoted in, or on navigable waters.
- any activity (whether or not vessels or equipment are involved) that’s conducted, organised or promoted in, or on, navigable waters that restricts the availability of those waters for normal use by the public.
To learn more, or to lodge an application visit Roads and Maritime aquatic event licences.
Risk management
Site plan+
A site plan is a diagram that shows the area where your event is being held and identifies the infrastructure, existing services and temporary equipment being used for your event. The site plan:
- will help you plan the event, find the best location for services and equipment and help manage site safety
- assists in getting permits and communicating with contractors, suppliers, vendors, and emergency services
- can be used during the event as promotional information for patrons.
To prepare a site plan:
- Begin with a good map. You can find one on Google Earth or ask Council's events team for assistance. if possible, you should make your site plan to scale.
- Indicate on your map:
- the immediate area around the site
- the names of the main roads nearby
- existing and temporary paths, walkways, and ramps
- building, and fences
- location and number of toilet facilities
- location of waste bins
Other things that are useful to include:
- direction north
- significant trees, bushes and bodies of water
- existing and temporary fences, gates, barriers, bollards.
- entry/exit points and access paths for:
- emergency services (minimum 4m wide access path to all key locations in venue)
- patrons, suppliers, deliveries, contractors
- emergency assembly areas and evacuation routes
- existing structures including:
- buildings and facilities
- male, female and accessible toilets
- grandstands and seating
- temporary structures including:
- tents and marquees
- stages, aerial rigging
- prefabricated buildings
- port-a-loos
- temporary viewing areas
- cordoned off areas
- ticket/registration area
- first aid and emergency services areas
- operation and communication centres/site office
- restaurants, canteens, temporary food and drink vendors
- information centre
- lost children/property area
- licenced areas (show how this area is cordoned off from the public)
- existing and temporary lighting, power and water sources
- amusement rides, inflatable devices
- animal nursery, animal pens
- if temporary event camping is requested, the number and location of camp sites and the location of toilet and shower facilities to be utilised
- existing and temporary parking areas for:
- public
- accessible parking
- contractors and suppliers
- taxis and busses
- event signage
- existing unsafe areas
- position of security guards.
Public liability insurance+
Event organisers must have public liability insurance, ensuring individuals involved are financially protected against loss should an incident occur.
A Certificate of Currency must be provided to Council, showing that the event is covered for a minimum of $20 million. Please note your Certificate of Currency should list 'Eurobodalla Shire Council' and the 'Minister administering Crown Lands' as interested parties.
The Certificate of Currency must cover the set up and dismantle period of your event as well as the actual event itself.
Event organisers may also be requested to obtain certificates of currency from sub-contractors providing event services, for example jumping castle operators, amusement rides or performers.
Risk management+
Eurobodalla Shire Council requires all events, regardless of size, to submit a risk management plan. The plan must include identification and measurement of all event hazards and risks, together with the proposed management and mitigation strategies of those risks.
The duty of care to residents, organisers, workers, performers, contractors, volunteers and all those present at the event is the responsibility of the event organiser and must be addressed at all times.
Elements to consider in your risk management plan include, but are not limited to:
- first aid
- total fire ban
- evacuation plan
- weather
- security.
Examples of risks and hazards that may apply can be found in our sample document, which you are welcome to use. This document contains sample hazards, risks and controls that may apply to your event. After reviewing the these, remove any that don't apply to your event and add ones that might. Ensure you complete the risk ranks next to each risk and control.
You can use our sample template to start your own risk management plan:
Emergency response plan+
If your event is large or complex, a number of emergency services may need to be present. With this, you will need to develop an emergency response plan in consultation with local Police, NSW Fire Service, Ambulance and any other relevant emergency services.
Copies of your completed emergency response plan should be provided to all emergency services, Eurobodalla Shire Council, contractors, suppliers and any other agencies working with your event.
It is your responsibility to notify emergency services of your event.
You can use our sample template to start your own emergency response plan:
It may be a requirement of your event approval to receive a site induction. Site inductions will be arranged directly with you prior to your event start date.
Event organisers are responsible for arranging and enforcing security for their event. Council highly recommends organisers consider event security if:
- large crowds are expected
- large sums of money will be processed
- there will be alcohol
- protection of assets is needed
- your risk management planning identifies other high risks likely to occur.
Requirements for power and lighting must be clearly outlined in your event plan.
If your event is to be held at night or at a venue with limited lighting, it is essential there is enough lighting for attendees to see walkways and exits in case of an evacuation. Lighting must be directed away from nearby dwellings and should not be in a position likely to cause a traffic hazard on nearby roads.
Council encourages you to take efforts to ensure your event is accessible to people of all abilities.
The Centre for Universal Design Australia provides a number of resources for event organisers with practical information on how to make events accessible.
Traffic, toilets, and waste
Traffic management+
A Traffic Management Plan is a detailed proposal for the management of traffic during an event.
If your event will include road closures or traffic stoppages, you to submit an approved traffic management plan. Your traffic plan must include:
- locations of road closures
- timings of road closures and re-openings
- how you will manage the road closures and openings
- impact on public transport operators and routes.
All events that require a traffic management plan will also require a NSW Police notification.
When submitting your traffic management plan, you will also be required to submit your:
- event site plan
- risk management plan
- insurance Certificate of Currency
- any appropriate traffic control plans.
All traffic management plans will be assessed by the Local Traffic Committee, which comprises representatives from Eurobodalla Shire Council, NSW Police, RMS, a local councillor and the local state member of Parliament. Please note this process requires a minimum of four months (16 weeks) to allow for meeting schedules of the committee, as well as the notification period for NSW Police.
All event organisers must refer to the Guide to Traffic and Transport Management for Special Events when considering traffic impacts. Compiled by the NSW Police, Local Government and Roads and Maritime Services, the guide points out statutory requirements where they exist and makes best-practice recommendations where they do not.
Council strongly recommends all events employ a qualified person authorised by Roads and Maritime to complete the event traffic management plan.
You can use our basic template to begin preparing your traffic management plan:
Vehicle and bicycle races+
Where a vehicle race (including bicycles) is proposed, a separate application is required, under Section 40 of the Road Transport (Safety and Traffic Management) Act, 1999.
For more information, visit the Transport for NSW website to view the NSW guidelines for bicycle road races.
Toilet facilities+
It is essential your event provides sufficient toilets for the number of expected attendees.
Your event site plan must show the location and number of facilities being provided for your event. The number of toilets you will need will depend on crowd numbers, service of alcohol and the event duration.
If there are not enough permanent toilets at the site, you will need to provide portable toilets. Where portable toilets are to be provided:
- details concerning number and their location should be submitted with the event application.
- satisfactory arrangements are to be made for their servicing.
- during the hours of darkness, toilets are adequately lit.
- directional signage to toilets must be provided.
- there needs to be at least one accessible unisex toilet(s).
Toilet facilities for events where alcohol is not available+
Patrons | WC Male | Urinals | Hand basins Male | WC Female | Hand basins Female |
<500 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 6 | 2 |
<1000 | 2 | 4 | 4 | 9 | 4 |
<2000 | 4 | 8 | 7 | 12 | 7 |
<3000 | 6 | 15 | 14 | 18 | 14 |
<5000 | 8 | 25 | 20 | 30 | 20 |
Figures may be reduced for events of shorter duration:
- for events 8+ hours: 100% toilet capacity is required
- for events 6-8 hours: 80% toilet capacity is required
- for events 4-6 hours: 75% toilet capacity is required
- for events less than 4 hours: 70% toilet capacity is required
Toilet facilities for events where alcohol is available+
Patrons | WC Male | Urinals | Hand basins Male | WC Female | Hand basins Female |
<500 | 3 | 8 | 2 | 13 | 2 |
<1000 | 5 | 10 | 4 | 16 | 4 |
<2000 | 9 | 15 | 7 | 18 | 7 |
<3000 | 10 | 20 | 14 | 22 | 14 |
<5000 | 12 | 30 | 20 | 40 | 20 |
Figures may be reduced for events of shorter duration:
- for events 8+ hours: 100% toilet capacity is required
- for events 6-8 hours: 80% toilet capacity is required
- for events 4-6 hours: 75% toilet capacity is required
- for events less than 4 hours: 70% toilet capacity is required
Cleaning toilets at Council venues+
- When using a Council venue, you are responsible for the cleaning of permanent toilets and other council facilities throughout your event.
- Inspections will be undertaken at the completion of your event to determine if the facilities are cleaned to the appropriate standards. If not, an additional charge may apply.
- As the event organiser you are also responsible for the supply of toilet paper for your event.
National Public Toilet Map+
The Australian Government National Public Toilet Map shows all public toilets across Australia.
The map indicates facilities, opening hours, parking, and accessibility:
Waste management+
You are responsible for coordinating waste management resources for your event.
- For most events and activities, it is likely you will need additional bins.
- As a general rule, assume your event will produce 1 litre of waste per person, per meal.
- If Council is required to undertake any waste removal, you may incur a charge to ensure the area is returned to its original condition.
Eurobodalla Council requires all events to have a waste management plan. Your waste management plan must be reviewed and approved by Council prior to event approval.
Your waste management plan must comply with:
- Council's Waste Minimisation Policy (255.2 KB)
- Legislation NSW: Protection of the Environment Operations Amendment (Littering) Act 2000
- Legislation NSW: Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001
Aspects to consider are:
- waste receptacles such as bins and skips—type, quantity and placement
- emptying of bins—frequency, operational issues
- managing waste not in receptacles
- managing waste during and after your event
- types of packaging used in order to minimise waste
- recycling.
Event organisers need to include the location of waste bins on the site plan. If your event is held near water, your risk management plan should consider how you will ensure litter does not enter our waterways. Actions to mitigate this risk can include strategically placed bins or appointing a designated waste person.
You can use our template to start your waste management plan:
Bin banks+
Council has a number of bin banks in key locations to assist event organisers with waste management. These bin banks contain five (5) 240 litre bins and are available for hire at a small cost.
You may move these bins and place them in the most appropriate areas of your event. Once the event is finished, the bins must be returned to the bin bank and the bin bank locked, ready for collection.
For more information about bin banks, contact our events team or booking office:
- T: 02 4474 1209
- E: events
- T: 02 4474 7447
- E: booking office
Packaging and single-use plastics+
We strongly encourage all events to minimise packaging and single-use disposable items (plastic plates and cutlery, polystyrene cups, straws, coffee stirrers) by requiring all food stallholders avoid these items where possible, or only utilise packaging made from recycled products that can also be recycled.
Sponsorship and grants
Tourism events sponsorship+
Council’s tourism events sponsorship program supports event organisers to plan and deliver successful tourism events that drive economic development.
Organisers of events that appeal to Eurobodalla’s key visitor markets, occur outside of peak season, activate key infrastructure, and align to our brand are encouraged to apply.
- Applications are currently closed.
- The next funding round will open in early 2025.
- Application guidelines.
- Grant writer's guide for tourism events.
Community events grants+
Our community events grants program enables us and the community to work together to enhance the ambiance and character of the Eurobodalla local government area as a place for all to enjoy and be proud of.
Organisers of community events that generate community participation, create a positive community identity, and celebrate the cultural and social life of our community are encouraged to apply.
- Applications are currently closed.
- The next funding round will open in early 2025.
- Application guidelines.
Other grants and sponsorship opportunities+
There are a wide range of grants and sponsorship programs on offer for events, available at federal, state and local levels, as well as several non-government organisations.
- Federal Government Business
- NSW Government
- Australia Council for the Arts
- Destination NSW
- Create NSW, Arts, Screen and Culture
- Regional Arts NSW
- Department of Social Services
- Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal
- MusicNSW
- OurCommunity
- Philanthropy Australia
You can also sign-up to receive email updates about grant opportunities as they become available:
Contact us
Council's events team is here to help local event organisers prepare event applications and plans.
For more information about events, contact our events coordinator, Scott McNairn:
- T: 02 4474 1247
- E: events team