Pre-lodgement advice
The pre-lodgement stage is the beginning of the development assessment process. If you get this part right from the start, you have a better chance to provide Council with an assessment-ready development application (DA). This allows for a much more efficient process, which will help save time and money.
We provide a free development service to help you:
- understand the development process and planning rules
- get advice on your development proposal before you start work on your application
- understand the planning controls that apply to your development site.
This type of over-the-counter service is good for simple enquiries or enquiries about minor development.
Call our Development Help Desk if you would like to discuss your proposal, or come in and see us:
- T: 02 4474 1231
- E: Development Help Desk
- visit us at the corner of Vulcan Street and Campbell Street, Moruya, Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 4.30pm.
Pre-lodgement meeting
If you need advice on a large or complex proposal, we can arrange a meeting with our pre-lodgement panel. This type of meeting is important if you would like written advice before you submit your DA.
The most important reason to meet with our pre-lodgement panel before you start work on your DA is to:
- identify any key issues that could affect assessment of your proposal. Examples include heritage, flooding and stormwater constraints
- provide Council with information to address these key issues
- make sure you have all the information you need for your DA, which means a faster assessment process.
If you would like a pre-lodgement meeting, complete the form:
Help for businesses
If you are setting up or expanding a business, our business development team can help you with your business concept before you submit your DA.
Contact us
If you have any enquiries about pre-lodgement meetings or our free development service, call our Development Help Desk:
- T: 02 4474 1231
- E: Development Help Desk