Variety of responses to changing climate

Media release: 14 August 2019

Eurobodalla councillors yesterday resolved that local government requires focussed and strategic actions to address the changing climate, but voted not to declare a climate emergency.

Cr Pat McGinlay brought a Notice of Motion to declare a climate emergency to Council’s 13 August meeting.

The motion also suggested all future or revised strategies include an assessment of the potential climate change impacts.

A third point required that council staff provide councillors with a range of options for community engagement in relation to climate change.

Cr McGinlay’s motion did not receive sufficient support, however, two replacement amendments brought by Cr Pollock were adopted.

The first motion recognised focussed and strategic actions were required by local government to address variable and changing climate, immediately and in the longer term.

The second motion acknowledged the proactive and strategic approach taken by Council to address climate change. This includes Council’s success in reducing greenhouse emissions by 35 per cent, two years ahead of the 2020 target.

Council also noted the community engagement undertaken in preparing its Emissions Reduction Plan 2017-21.

Councillors will receive a briefing about waste to energy opportunities, a renewable energy purchase agreement, expansion of the LED street-lighting program, electric vehicles and chargers, additional methane flaring opportunities, and further community engagement and education around reducing environmental impacts.