Rock in to library exhibition

Published: 4 January 2021

The team from Eurobodalla Libraries are letting the pictures tell the story this January.

Using photographs supplied by the Moruya & District Historical Society, Our past in pictures chronicles the early years of granite mining in the shire. Libraries’ coordinator Samantha Fenton said people connected with pictures in ways that differed from reading.

“The exhibition of seven photographs show some landmarks from the quarrying days,” Ms Fenton said.

“The group shots are particularly compelling. There’s something about looking at portraits – you think: what was it like to live like that?”

From 1876, Moruya’s four granite quarries developed a reputation for stone with good quality and colour, and it was used in the construction of now-famous structures like the Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Sydney cenotaph.

Ms Fenton said the exhibition could be viewed at Eurobodalla’s libraries until the end of January.

“Each library has enlarged copies of the original photographs held by the historical society,” she said.

“We’ve also made available a small take-home fact sheet that includes the images with extended captions and a brief overview of granite quarrying in the region.”

She said history-based exhibitions were always a hit with Eurobodallans.

“We’ve done two similar exhibitions previously – one about the Moruya Airport during World War II and another on the changing landscape of Eurobodalla’s main streets. And we’re already working on the next exhibition, which looks at influential women from the shire’s past,” Ms Fenton said.

Our past in pictures: a closer look at the history of Moruya granite runs until the end of January at the Narooma, Moruya and Batemans Bay libraries.

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