Marine Park permits and aquatic event licences

Marine Park permit

A variety of activities and events, including sporting events, will require a marine park permit if your event is to be held in any area of the Batemans Marine Park.

For more information on marine park permits or to apply, visit the Department of Primary Industries: Batemans Bay Marine Park permits.

Aquatic event licences

An aquatic event licence may be required by Transport for NSW, Roads and Maritime for organised activities on, or in, navigable waters including:

  • A race, competition or exhibition (whether or not vessels or equipment are involved) that’s conducted, organised or promoted in, or on navigable waters.
  • Any activity (whether or not vessels or equipment are involved) that’s conducted, organised or promoted in, or on, navigable waters that restricts the availability of those waters for normal use by the public.

To learn more, or to lodge an application visit Roads and Maritime aquatic event licences.