Malua Bay Beach Reserve upgrade

Project: Upgrade Albert Bamman Memorial Park, including an expanded play space, new picnic facilities, toilet block, pathways and landscaping.

Timeframe: May 2022 to July 2024.

Status: Complete

Cost and funding: $1,649,928. This project was delivered with the help of:

  • $1,002,915 from Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program
  • $75,000 from NSW Government’s Everyone Can Play program
  • $272,013 from NSW Government's Stronger Country Communities Fund - round five
  • $100,000 from the Lions District club of Batemans Bay
  • $200,000 from Eurobodalla Council funding

Page last updated: July 2024

Latest news: July 2024

The upgrade is complete! The playground and park facilities are available for everyone to enjoy. We had the official opening on Saturday 13 July, thank you to everyone who came along to celebrate.

Project details

We are working to:

  • develop and implement a design for the Malua Bay Beach Reserve (Albert Bamman Memorial Park)
  • upgrade the reserve:
    • replace the existing large picnic shelter
    • install new picnic tables
    • provide a wheelchair accessible barbecue (Lions District 201N2 Disaster Recovery Fund)
    • build a wheelchair accessible viewing platform
    • build new toilet facilities
    • upgrade the playspace and recreation equipment
    • build shared pathways
    • landscape and environmental protection works along the foreshore.

Benefits to the community:

  • improved access and opportunities
  • new playground equipment with additional options for all ages
  • dedicated youth recreation and hangout spaces
  • environmental protection of fragile foreshore areas and dunes.

There are no proposed changes to the dog exercise timeshare arrangements at Malua Bay Beach Reserve. Dog exercise areas will be considered during the next review of the Companion Animal Management Plan.

Background and purpose

This project is in response to community feedback to upgrade this popular beachside reserve.

We asked for community input to help finalise the design for the reserve, which outlines a plan for improvements.

We acknowledge this final design document may not be accessible to everyone. If you require assistance, please contact us.

Design and community engagement

Council's Recreation and Open Space Strategy (ROSS) 2018 includes the recommendation to prepare a design to upgrade the Malua Bay Beach Reserve (Albert Bamman Memorial Park).

To help secure funding and obtain the required Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit, we prepared a draft design for Malua Bay Beach Reserve. This design considered the Everyone Can Play design principles, community feedback received when we prepared the ROSS, and additional opportunities for community members to give their input.

To help gather additional feedback for Malua Bay Beach Reserve draft design:

  • We made the draft design available publicly and asked community members to give their feedback between March and June 2022.
  • In May 2022, during this feedback period, we held drop-in sessions for community members to view a draft design, ask questions, and give feedback in person.
  • We met with Council’s Youth, Disability, Aboriginal, and Heritage Advisory Committees, as well as the Mogo and Batemans Bay Local Aboriginal Land Councils and local Historical societies to inform them of the draft design and ask for their feedback.
  • Some of the suggestions we incorporated were:
    • requesting a basketball multipurpose / half court
    • suggestions about toilet facility location, aspect, accessibility, solar panels
    • more bench seating along the foreshore and around the playground
    • improved built or natural shade options
    • improved beach access and accessibility
    • a basketball halfcourt/youth hangout space
    • expanded playground area
    • shade sails over part of the playground and the exercise equipment
    • improved pathway links between the beach and the toilet/shower/change facilities
    • additional seating and picnic tables
    • sustainability inclusions such as solar panels, LED lighting and EV charging stations
    • additional Aboriginal cultural heritage interpretation/design.

Project updates

July 2024:

  • The playground is complete and the upgraded facilities are now open for everyone to use.
  • We hosted the official opening for the Albert Bamman Memorial Park upgrade on Saturday 13 July.

June 2024:

  • The playground is near completion with landscaping well underway.
  • We are nearing completion of the new amenity block, which includes showers and accessible facilities.
  • The picnic and BBQ shelters are now complete.
  • We're planning the official opening for Saturday 13 July 2024, everyone is welcome to join this fun celebration.

March 2024:

  • At this stage there is no access to the current toilet facilities or playspace. We need to demolish the existing toilet block and playspace to build the new facilities. Temporary toilet facilities are available within the reserve.
  • The closest public toilets facilities are available at Mosquito Bay boat ramp. Expected construction time is approximately three months.

February 2024:

  • We have begun demolition of existing playground to begin construction of the new playground.
  • The shared pathway has been completed.
  • Council crews are continuing with the landscaping and environmental protection works.
  • We have completed the wheelchair accessible viewing platform.

November 2023:

  • We are pouring the slabs for the picnic shelters this month (weather permitting.)
  • Council will install picnic shelters and new BBQs by December 2023.
  • We will begin building the amenity block in December 2023.
  • Council will begin construction of the playground in February 2024.
  • The existing amenity block and play space will remain during the holiday period.
  • We expect to finish final landscaping in autumn 2024.

August 2023:

  • Council has completed construction of the accessible viewing platform.
  • To avoid interruptions during the peak holiday season, we have delayed construction of the play space until early 2024.

July 2023:

  • Council is preparing the vegetation boarder which separates the reserve from the sand dunes, ready for spring planting of native dune and foreshore plants.
  • We are installing designated walkways to the beach to prevent damage to the newly planted dunes.
  • Council is expecting to complete the northern accessible viewing platform by the end of July.
  • We expect to start building the amenity block and play space in spring 2023.

June 2023:

  • The accessible viewing platform is nearing completion, we anticipate the platform being open to the public in early August 2023.
  • We've completed Autumn dune rehabilitation planting, the next round of planting will be done in Spring 2023.
  • We've finished the accessible connection to the shared pathway, and concrete slabs for the new picnic and BBQ shelters.
  • The play space design company has presented a design incorporating community feedback and the Everyone Can Play principles. We plan to start building the new play space before the end of 2023.

February 2022:

  • Upgrade work kicks off this month, starting with the wheelchair accessible viewing platform at the northern end of the beach and installation of the new connecting shared paths.
  • We’ll also farewell the large picnic shelter, that is being demolished to make way for the new footpaths and new wheelchair accessible barbecues and tables under a sleek new modern shelter.

November 2022

  • We finalised the Malua Bay Beach Reserve design, with help from community input.
  • Next steps are to seek advice from professional playground designers, select and design play equipment, and schedule construction work.
  • Works will take place in stages over the next 12 months, and we will seek to minimise disturbance at the reserve during peak holiday times.

May - June 2022

  • We asked for community feedback on the draft Malua Bay Beach Reserve design.
  • The design was generally supported overall, and we incorporated specific feedback into a final design.
  • We responded to community suggestions, confirmed what could be delivered within the available funding, and finalised the design.

More information

For more information, please contact Recreation Services, Project Manager, Chris Teague: