Bill Smyth Oval upgrade

Projects: Recreation upgrades for Bill Smyth Oval, including a new multisport synthetic court and a second playing field.

Timeframe: 2021-2025

Status: In progress

Funding: These projects are being delivered with the help of the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund, and Council funding.

Page last updated: May 2023


The Bill Smyth Oval Landscape Masterplan was developed as part of the Narooma Sport and Leisure Precinct Plan of Management adopted by Council 2020.

We are progressing a number of the recommendations of this plan including:

  • building a fenced, lit, synthetic court with reversible goal post for netball and basketball
  • formalising the car park to service the new multi-sport court and existing tennis courts
  • establishing a lit, competition-sized rugby league field to the south of the existing field.

Project updates

June 2023:

  • Work is on hold while a cultural survey is underway. We expect the cultural survey to take around 12 months.

December 2022:

  • Acrylic surfacing of the multisport court is now complete and already receiving lots of action. The weather warmed up enough for the product to bond to the court surface.

July 2022:

  • We've competed the new carpark, fencing and footpaths. The bitumen surface of the multisport court has been line-marked temporarily. We will start work on acrylic surfacing when the temperatures warm up.

April 2022:

  • We've begun constructing the carpark and multisport court.
  • The court is due for completion by the second half of 2022.
  • Council has commenced detailed design of the second playing field and construction is anticipated to start in late 2023.
  • Council will engage with sporting user groups to minimise the impact of construction activities on competition play.


More information

For more information, please contact Recreation Services