Local Heritage Grant guidelines
These guidelines will help you to prepare a thorough and complete application to give your project the best chance of obtaining funding assistance.
Eligible projects
Eligible projects are those related to preservation work on a heritage property that is listed as a heritage item in the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2012.
They are also projects which involve the repair, maintenance or reinstatement of missing items on heritage buildings. These may include fences, verandahs, roof cladding and decorative details. Projects include structural work through to final painting of projects. This year the fund may also be used for interpretation works and other relevant projects.
Ineligible projects
Funds will generally not be provided where:
- assistance is reasonably available from another source
- substantial assistance has been previously provided
- where the applicant has yet to complete other assisted projects.
Funds will not be made available to:
- change the external appearance of a building where the heritage significance is diminished
- assist the purchase of a heritage item
- relocate a heritage item or to carry out works on a relocated building
- buildings that are owned, leased or maintained by a public authority
Assessment criteria
The following matters will be taken into account in assessing your application.
It is not necessary for your project to meet all these criteria.
- Projects of demonstration heritage value to the community, eg restoration of an important local heritage house.
- Projects which are highly visible to the public, eg replacing a verandah to a building in a main street location.
- Projects which have high public accessibility, eg a local museum, church or a private home which is open to the public several times a year.
- Projects that are in an area which has received little or no funding.
- Projects involving aspects of heritage which have received little or no funding, eg historic gardens.
- Urgent projects to avert a threat to a heritage item.
- The applicant's ability to demonstrate financial responsibility with regard to the project, and demonstrated ability to complete the project by May in the same financial year.
Council’s Heritage Advisor will assess the applications for funding assistance under the NSW Heritage Council criteria and recommendations will then be made to the Eurobodalla Heritage Advisory Committee.
Level of funding available
The maximum level of funding that can be made available for each project is $5,000. The applicant will be required to contribute a minimum of $1 for every $1 offered from the fund.
Timing of projects
All works must be completed and a simple report submitted at the end of April within the same financial year as the funds are approved.
How to get involved
Contact Council's Strategic Planner
Before you prepare an application, you can talk with Council's Strategic Planner Mr Vivian Straw who can help you with ideas, prioritising works, suggestions to support your background research or discussing eligibility. This service is free.
- T: 02 4474 1324
Write down or prepare a drawing of the work you propose to do and then arrange to meet the Coordinator Strategy and Place. They might suggest that you gain specialist advice on the project by meeting with Council's Heritage Advisor, who visits Eurobodalla every month.
Background research
Your application will be stronger if you can demonstrate why the work you propose will enhance the heritage significance of the property. You can gain information on your property from:
- the State Heritage Inventory
- researching on the internet, eg the Trove National Library of Australia database
- your local historical society or museum
- newspaper archives
- libraries
- photographs.