Climate and Environment Advisory Committee terms of reference


The Climate and Environment Advisory Committee (the committee) will inform and provide advice to Council on environmental planning and management matters, including but not limited to coastal hazards, climate change, floodplain risk, and biodiversity matters.

In addition, the committee will assist and provide input to Council on effective implementation of the Climate Action Plan, Coastal and Floodplain Management Programs, and other environmental plans, in partnership with the community.

Where a legislative requirement exists, the committee will provide input to Council‘s land-use planning documents as an advisory committee.


The committee cannot require Council to adopt a policy, position or recommendation approved by the committee.

In carrying out its responsibilities, the committee must at all times recognise that primary responsibility for management of Council rests with the Council and the General Manager, as provided in the Local Government Act 1993.

Neither the advisory committee nor any of its members can direct any Council staff member in their duties.


To provide sound advice to Council on matters of environmental management, including but not limited to climate change mitigation and adaptation, coastal planning, biodiversity, urban greening initiatives, water-sensitive urban design, and floodplain risk management.

As per the Floodplain Development Manual 2023, the committee will provide technical and community advice on matters related to Council’s floodplain risk management projects.

Group members will:

  • provide a communication linkage between Council and the community
  • provide specialist advice and/or specialist contacts
  • advise on how to work with, and overcome, barriers to implementation
  • advise and assist with advocating to the NSW and Australian Governments
  • assist with funding opportunities and grant applications.

Composition (who is to attend)

The committee shall consist of the following voting representatives:

  • two councillors
  • a chair/ or alternating chairs consisting of one or both councillors
  • eight community members, representative of groups with interest and knowledge related to climate change; coastal; floodplain; environmental, and biodiversity management. These members are to be selected by Council from nominations.

The committee may also choose to have the following participants as required but they will not have voting rights:

  • Council staff
  • representatives from other councils if required
  • State or Australian agency representatives as required.

Contact officer

The Council’s Natural Resource and Sustainability Coordinator or other member of the Strategic Planning Division.

Variation to terms of reference

The terms of reference may be added to, repealed, or amended by Resolution of the Council in consultation with the group.


The committee will meet up to four times a year and no less than twice, with dates to be confirmed by the Chair.

Meetings will be held at Council’s administrative centre on Vulcan Street Moruya (unless otherwise advised), with accommodations made to allow for a hybrid / online arrangement where in-person attendance is not possible.
