Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee Terms of Reference
The role of the committee is to promote Aboriginal Culture within the Eurobodalla Shire and to advise and make recommendations to Council on matters relating to Aboriginal people.
Title and delegations
- The committee shall be referred to as the Aboriginal Advisory Committee.
- The committee shall function as a non-delegated advisory committee of Council.
- To inform development, implementation and review of Council’s corporate plans.
- To assist Council with joint projects and information sharing.
- To advise and liaise with Council regarding issues impacting on local Aboriginal communities.
Membership of the Committee
A quorum of the committee shall be 5 and members will have voting rights. The Chairperson has voting rights. Eurobodalla Shire Council staff do not have voting rights.
- Local Aboriginal Land Council (LALC) nominees, one from each group (6), plus 1 alternate designated representative from each LALC.
- 1 Gulaga Joint Board Management Chairperson or nominee.
- 1 Eurobodalla Indigenous Interagency chairperson or nominee
- Up to 7 community members will be selected by Council that will ensure all sectors and geographic regions of the Aboriginal community are represented.
- Aboriginal youth representative/s drawn from Eurobodalla Shire Council’s Youth Committee and/or other sources.
- One Councillor representative, plus one designated alternate (selected by Council).
- Director – Community, Arts and Recreation Services or nominee/s (non-voting).
General meetings
- The Chairperson will be an Aboriginal Community member voted in by the Aboriginal Advisory Committee at the beginning of each term. An alternate Chair may be nominated by the Chair, or committee at the meeting, in the event of the Chairperson being absent.
- The committee is to meet a minimum 4 times per annum.
Delegations of Committee
To advise Council.
Contact Officer
Contact officer for the committee is the Coordinator, Community Development and Youth.
Variation to the Terms of Reference
The Terms of Reference may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution of the Council, in consultation with or upon the recommendation of the committee.
The Committee is governed by the Guidelines for meeting practice – Advisory Committee.
Appendix 1
Eurobodalla Shire Council
- Code of Meeting Practice (1.0 MB)
- Strategic policies
- Division of Local Government Model Code of Conduct for Local Councils in NSW
- Plans and strategies
- Aboriginal Action Plan 2020-2024 (2.6 MB)
Other websites
- Aboriginal Affairs NSW
- Office of Environment and Heritage
- Department of Communities and Justice
- Department of Family and Community Services