Heritage Advisory Committee terms of reference


The key terms of reference for the Eurobodalla Heritage Advisory Committee are:

  • Assist Council in the development of policies and strategies in response to Council’s adopted Heritage Strategy and the management of natural and cultural heritage generally in the Eurobodalla local government area.
  • Advise Council staff, the Heritage Advisor and the Council on matters relating to the ongoing implementation of the Heritage Strategy.
  • Assist Council to procure and allocate funding assistance and to recommend projects for which funding should be sought in line with the Heritage Strategy.
  • Provide access to the general community to distribute information and for public input into heritage management, eg, to nominate additional properties for assessment of heritage significance.
  • Advise Council on a range of heritage-related matters which are of interest to the community, in particular, by providing expertise, local knowledge and guidance on heritage matters and in relation to heritage assessments.


  • To support Council in advancing the aims of the heritage strategy and in the development and implementation of strategies, policies and programs related to heritage conservation
  • Promote the natural, cultural and historic heritage of the Eurobodalla and to ensure it continues to develop a strong sense of place and identity.

Title and delegations

The committee shall be referred to as the Eurobodalla Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC). The committee:

  1. cannot require Council to adopt a policy or recommendation approved by the Committee.
  2. has no power or authority , whether by delegation or otherwise to exercise any function, right, duty or power of the Council whether under a statue to other law, or in any other capacity.


The committee shall consist of the following voting representatives:

  • Two councillors
  • Three delegates representing each of the three district historical societies
  • The chairperson of the Eurobodalla Aboriginal Advisory Committee(EAAC) or a delegate elected by the EAAC
  • Three community representatives Council staff and Council’s Heritage Advisor will attend to provide technical advice and guidance but will not have voting rights on the committee.

Contact Officer

The contact officer for the Heritage Advisory Committee is Council’s Strategic Planner (Heritage).

Variation to the terms of reference

The ‘Terms of Reference’ may be added to, repealed or amended by resolution of the Council in consultation with the committee.


The Committee is governed by the Guidelines for meeting practice – Advisory Committee
