Conversion to Software as a Service (SaaS) - Technology One
Tender number: 2223-062
Successful tender: Technology One Limited
Address of tenderer: Level 11, 540 Wickham Street, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Sub contractors:
- Amazon Web Services
- Microsoft Azure
Commencement date: 29 July 2022
Duration of contract:
Original contract completion date 28 July 2024 (2 years)
Council utilised 1 x 12 months option to extend new contract completion date 28 August 2025
Description of goods/services/consultancy: Conversion from current onsite software to Software as a Service (SaaS). The SaaS consists of the following:
- The infrastructure required to host the modules in the environments
- Infrastructure monitoring, support, and maintenance of the SaaS platform
- Dedicated database schema for data separation and privacy
- Database refreshes as set out in the contract
- Comprehensive anti-virus regime, including real-time scanning
- Storage space for the Modules
Tendered amount (Incl GST): $890,913.00
Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.
- CPI Increase
- Additional Modules
- Consulting Services
Provisions for renegotiation: There is the option to extend this contract for up to 8 renewal periods of 12 month each.
Method of tender: State Government contract
Criteria of tender evaluation: Not applicable as this is a direct replacement for services provided by the current Technology One Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Technology One now only offers the ERP service as SaaS.
Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A
Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.
Last updated: 18 October 2024