Supply of traffic control services panel

Tender number: 2324-110

Successful tender submission:

  • Advanced Traffic Management - T/A Traffic Control Services
  • Go Traffic Pty Ltd
  • Lack Group Traffic Pty Ltd
  • Aristocrat Australia Pty Ltd T/A National Traffic Aust
  • Platinum Traffic Services Pty Ltd
  • Titanium Traffic Management
  • TMPACS T/A Traffic Professionals
  • Traffic Logistics Pty Ltd

Address of tenderer:

  • Advanced Traffic Management - trading as Traffic Control Services - 14 North Creek Road Ballina NSW 2478
  • Go Traffic Pty Ltd - 1/117 Myers Street, Geelong VIC 3220
  • Lack Group Traffic Pty Ltd - 1/14 John Duncan Court, Varsity Lakes QLD 4227
  • Aristocrat Australia Pty Ltd T/A National Traffic Aust - 1 Geelong Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
  • Platinum Traffic Services Pty Ltd - 69 Percival Road, Smithfield NSW 2164
  • Titanium Traffic Management - 2/12-14 Cranbrook Road Batemans Bay NSW 2536
  • TMPACS T/A Traffic Professionals - 567 Porters Creek Road, Pointers Mountain NSW 2539
  • Traffic Logistics Pty Ltd - 18 Waverly Drive, Unanderra NSW 2526

Sub contractors: N/A

Commencement date: 1 May 2024

Duration of contract: 1 May 2024 to 30 April 2026 (2 years), with an option to extend by 2x12 months.

Description of goods/services/consultancy: Supply of traffic control services.

Tendered amount (Incl GST): $1,500.000.00 (Estimate)

Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.

  • CPI increase

Provisions for renegotiation: N/A

Method of tender: Open tender

Criteria of tender evaluation:

  • Demonstrated experience and capability of the Tenderer to perform and deliver the services required to the quality expectations of the Principal
  • Responses to the Work Health and Safety Management Information within Volume 2 – Tender Response Schedules
  • Previous experience performing similar services in Australia and its demonstrated capability to provide services of comparable complexity and size within the Eurobodalla Shire
  • Overall suitability of the Tenderer and it’s Proposed Sub-contractors
  • Compliance with Volume 2 - Deed of Standing Offer of this Request for Tender
  • Tenderer’s ability and capacity to meet the requirements
  • Referee examples
  • Other issues relating to the fitness for purpose of the products offered including proposed Personnel and their qualifications and sub-contractors and Pricing/Rates.

Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A

Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.

Last updated: 22 May 2024