Leah Burke - 13 December 2016

Leah Burke made comments regarding Albert Ryan Park at the Ordinary Council Meeting 13 December 2016.

Firstly I would like to thank Council for the opportunity to speak today..

My name is Leah Burke and I represent the Albert Ryan Park Committee.

At the council meeting of the 28th June 2016 it was recommended that the motion for the rezoning and sale of Albert Ryan Park be withdrawn.

The motion being


The land is currently under utilised with primary use currently being the housing of a public toilet and overnight camping. The Recreation and Open Space Strategy (2010) recommended that the toilets be investigated for disposal and the Public Toilet review (2015), adopted by Council on 12 May 2015, recommended that the public toilets be decommissioned.

Our committee would like the motion to decommission these toilets be rescinded and a further motion put forward for the Albert Ryan park toilets to remain functional.

Our committee has monitored these toilets and they are used frequently by tourists and locals alike. The nearest public toilets being at the Bay Foreshore Park or at Corrigans Beach, neither of these toilets having as easy an access as the Albert Ryan Park toilets.

One of our aims is for these toilets to be eventually upgraded to benefit the disabled, which through community effort and grants this could be achieved with minimal cost to council.

We have many locals who are prepared to work on this park, and with guidance from council this workforce can be utilised to everyone's benefit.

So today we would like to commence our efforts to improve Albert Ryan Park the first step being to keep the toilets in commission.

Council's Reply

We note your submission on behalf of the Albert Ryan Park Committee asking Council to over-turn the recommendation from the Recreation and Open Space Strategy 2010 and Public Toilet Review to decommission the Albert Ryan Park toilets. We also note that you would like to see the toilets upgraded to an accessible standard. Council is appreciative of your offer on behalf of the community to assist Council in the delivery of works.

As you are aware Council previously resolved at the Meeting held 28 June 2016 in regards to PSR16/018 REZONING AND RECLASSIFICATION OF ALBERT RYAN PARK


1. Council resolves to not proceed with the proposal to amend the Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP) to rezone and reclassify Lots 10 and 11, DP 236342, being part of Albert Ryan Park, Beach Road, Batemans Bay.

At this point the toilets are still operational. Any decision to enact the recommendation from the Public Toilet Review to decommission the facilities will be discussed with the current (new) Council, and the community, prior to any action being taken.

We have forwarded your submission to the Recreational and Open Space Strategy Review for their consideration.