Get involved in Narooma flood planning

Media release: 5 November 2018

Narooma residents and visitors are being asked to share their experiences and ideas on managing flooding in and around Wagonga Inlet, Kianga and Dalmeny.

Eurobodalla Council is asking for the community’s input via an online survey and drop-in session as part of its Narooma Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan.

In 2016, Council completed a flood study that identified what areas were prone to flooding and the extent of the risks. Council is now in the next phase that involves finding solutions to reduce the risk of flooding in those areas previously identified as being flood prone.

Eurobodalla Council’s Flood Management Planner Norm Lenehan said community participation was critical to the study’s success, particularly when it came to collecting historical flood information.

“The original flood study was prepared based on a mix of first-hand accounts from residents, historic flood marks, tidal data, rainfall records and computer modelling,” he said.

“We had such a fantastic response and now we’re in the next phase we want to find out how residents would like to see these problems addressed. We’re eager to hear from anyone who lives in the study area or who has historical information on floods.

“First-hand experience provides valuable historic information, and ideas about addressing flood risks from those who are likely to be directly affected will help guide us in the direction that is in line with community needs.”

Interested community members can drop in to the Narooma Youth Café on Wednesday 21 November anytime between 10am and 2pm, and 3pm to 6pm, to find out more about the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan and share their thoughts.

Information about the project and a short survey have been sent to residents and property owners within the catchments of Wagonga Inlet, Kianga and Dalmeny.

The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage and the Minister of Police and Emergency Services are assisting Council by providing technical assistance and grant funding for the project.