Church Street road-pavement revamp
Published: 21 March 2023
Moruya’s busy Church Street will receive special attention later this month, with night-work scheduled to rehabilitate some damaged road pavement.
The section of road between the Ford Street intersection to just short of the Post Office will be excavated and resurfaced. To reduce disruption to businesses, customers and commuters, work will take place after hours; starting at 5pm work is expected to finish by 3am, daily from Sunday 26 to Tuesday 28 March.
The strengthened pavement will be able to cope with heavy vehicle traffic and need minimal maintenance well into the future.
The Church Street pedestrian crossing by St Mary’s Primary School, west of the highway, will also be modified – flattened slightly and asphalted – to reduce noise pollution that is affecting nearby residents.
Traffic control will be in place during work and commuters should allow extra time to pass through the work site. Work crew will make effort to reduce noise from heavy machinery during work.
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