Standing for Council, find out how

Published: 7 June 2024

With Eurobodalla’s local government election to be held on Saturday 14 September, potential councillor candidates for the next four-year term can attend an information session from 5.30-7.30pm on Thursday 27 June in the Council Chamber at Moruya.

Council’s general manager Warwick Winn said people who are willing to stand up and make positive change should consider standing.

“Councillors should be people who understand what’s important to the locals they represent,” Mr Winn said.

“This session will provide aspiring councillors with information on the role and its responsibilities, the meeting schedule and time commitments, fees and entitlements – including training, and Council’s planning and reporting framework.

“We’ll go through all the key dates and what – should they be successful – the induction process for elected officials will look like. There’ll be plenty of opportunities to ask questions.”

Potential candidates wishing to attend the information session should register by contacting Council’s executive services team on 4474 7485 or

For candidates unable to attend the information session, a downloadable information package will be available on Council’s website.

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