Free collection of burnt rural fencing
Published: 21 December 2021
Rural Eurobodalla residents who are yet to dispose of fire-affected fencing materials can now register to have it collected from their property and recycled for free.
Eurobodalla Council recently received funding from the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s FenceCycle program to help bushfire-impacted property owners safely get rid of and recycle burnt fencing materials.
The program covers the cost of collection and recycling for the metal components of typical rural fencing, including barbed and plain wire, netting or mesh, timber or metal posts and farm gates. It does not include urban fencing, such as solid metal panneling or chain-wire security-type fencing.
Residents should contact Council’s waste services team on 4474 1343 for more information or to register for the program. Council’s contractor will arrange for collection of the burnt fencing from affected property owners next year. The collected material should be as free from contaminants as much as possible.
The EPA’s FenceCycle Program aims to help in the recovery of rural communities impacted by bushfire and ensure the safe and efficient disposal of bushfire waste. It also diverts burnt fencing from landfill to more productive uses, such as new building materials.
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