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Rates and payments
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Your rates
Your water bill
Payment options
Direct debit forms
Household waste and bins
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Bin collection and waste guide
Bin and recycling FAQs
A - Z of recycling and waste disposal
Tip fees and opening hours
Annual chemical cleanout
Annual hard waste collection
Textile recycling
Battery recycling
Soft plastics recycling
Waste management facilities
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Opening hours and fees
Community recycling centre
Landfill EPA pollution monitoring data
Bushfire recovery
Health and hazards
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NSW Health
Illegal dumping and littering
Air quality
Overgrown properties
Neighbourhood noise
Barking dogs
Council rangers
Water pollution
Buying and selling
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Choosing and owning a pet
Pets needing new homes
Registration, microchipping, and desexing
Lost, found or impounded animals
Working dogs in rural NSW
Dog-friendly beaches and areas
Dangerous and menacing dogs
Dog attacks
Barking dogs
Responsible cat ownership
Roosters and chickens
Companion animal registration and microchipping FAQs
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Botanic Garden
Community gardens
Plant swaps and garden activities
Home composting and worm farming
Bush-friendly and water-wise gardens
Common garden weeds
Roads and current works
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Current works
Live Traffic NSW
Transport and stormwater program
Road safety education
Parking, pathways, and traffic
Road reserve information
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Water restrictions
Water-saving tips and rebates
Eurobodalla water supply
Your water bill
Water FAQs
Water quality
Water treatment
Water policies, practices, and forms
Water refill stations
Saving energy and water
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Saving energy at home
Saving water at home
Water-wise gardens
Permanent water conservation measures
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Sewage FAQs
Pressure sewerage systems
EPA pollution monitoring data
On-site sewage management systems
Liquid trade waste
Greywater and your property
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Community and family services
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Y drive learner driver program
Community Transport
End-of-life support services
Community gardens
The Job Shop
Eurobodalla libraries
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What's on at the libraries
Join the library
Get the Library app
Library member login
Browse the catalogue
Suggest a purchase
Library for kids
Mayor's Writing Competition
Library fees and charges
Computers and wi-fi
Frequently asked questions
Eurobodalla Seed Library
For businesses
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Business assistance and resources
Ride ready
Chambers of commerce
Eurobodalla tourism
Moruya Airport
Economic overview
Permits, approvals, and public health
Community profile and statistics
Sport and recreation
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Sports grounds and courts
Swimming centres
Bay Pavilions
Parks and playgrounds
Dog-friendly beaches and reserves
Botanic Garden
Camping grounds
Boating and fishing
Support and resources
Arts, culture, and heritage
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Aboriginal culture
Basil Sellers Exhibition Centre
Bay Pavilions
Heritage items and places
Heritage studies and resources
Heritage advisory service
Heritage resources
Managing community land
Book a venue
Grant opportunities
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Eurobodalla Mayoral representatives grants
Education and school grants
Seniors' Festival grants
Youth development grants
Local heritage grants
Healthy communities grants
NAIDOC Week activity grants
Rates subsidy grants
Community event grants
Tourism event sponsorship
Safety and emergency services grants
Emergency information
Bushfire recovery
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News and community updates
Rebuilding and repairing
Restoring our infrastructure
Bushfire inquiries
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Coast and waterways
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Sea level rise
Coastal studies and projects
Flood studies
Marine debris
Beachwatch water quality
Bushfire-affected waterways
Climate and emissions
Illegal dumping and littering
Household waste and recycling
Native and threatened species
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Threatened ecological communities
Eurobodalla nesting box program
Australian protected matters search tool
Virtual fence pilot program
Invasive species
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South coast weeds
Indian Myna control program
Rabbit control
Development and tree removal
Resources for schools
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Preschool education
Primary school education
Secondary school education
Students at home
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Types of development
Do I need approval?
The DA process
Statement of heritage impact
For builders and developers
The subdivision process
Other approvals and permits
Home-based food businesses
Compliance and enforcement
On-site sewage management systems
Planning your event
Request to view building plans
Caravan parks and camping grounds
Tiny homes
Camping on private land
Lodge, track and plan
Planning guides and tools
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Development contributions plans
Development control plans and codes
Local environmental plans
Local Strategic Planning Statement
Settlement strategy and structure plans
Planning considerations
Bushfire-prone land mapping
Vegetation and tree removal
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Significant tree register
Protecting trees on development sites: A guide for developers
Building and certification
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The construction process
Complying development
Pools and spas
Building inspection request
Fire safety
Plumbing approvals
Rebuilding and repairing after bushfires
Buying or selling
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Section 10.7 planning certificate
Building information certificate
Section 603 (rates) certificate
Section 735A outstanding notices
Building records search
Dwelling entitlement search
Property information
Swimming pool barrier compliance
Request to view a residential property file
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Jobs at Council
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Vacant positions
Tenders and EOI
Tenders and EOI
Major projects
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Planning and conservation
Community and recreation
Have your say
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Public exhibition
Council meetings
Councillor Catch Ups
Our Eurobodalla: community feedback hub
How to prepare and submit a petition
Contact us
Feedback form
Council meetings
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Agendas and minutes
Watch meeting webcasts
Public Forum
Public Access
Ethical decision making
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Contact your councillors
Councillor Catch Ups
History of Eurobodalla Council
Councillor professional development
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Aboriginal Advisory Committee
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
Coastal and Environment Management Advisory Committee
Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee
Heritage Advisory Committee
Climate Change Advisory Committee
Community Facility Management Committees
Plans and reporting
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Community Strategic Plan
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Resourcing Strategy
Current fees and charges
Financial statements
Financial forecast
Performance reporting
Plans and strategies
Community research
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Council policies and codes
Public access to information
Register of Public Land (Section 53 Register)
Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
Request access to another person's personal information held by Council (PPIPA)
How to prepare and submit a petition
Register of Annual Disclosures
Data Breach Policy and Public Notification Register
Organisation structure
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Executive team
Directors, divisional and corporate managers
News and events
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News and events
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Latest news
Roads and current works
What's on
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Events calendar
Seniors Festival
Currents: Battle of the Bands
Citizenship ceremonies
Mayor's Writing Competition
Little Sellers Art Prize
Basil Sellers Art Prize
Planning your event
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Event permits
Event guides and tips
Book a venue
Community event grants
Tourism event sponsorship
Promote your event
Emergency information
Lodge, track and plan
Contact us
Home Page
Current works
Narooma area current works
Shire-wide, unsealed roads
Shire-wide, unsealed roads
1 January 2016
Maintenance grading The Ridge Road, Burri Road, Bevian Road, Jeremadra Grove, Goldfields Drive, Old Mossy Point Road, Onslow Close, Maulbrooks Road and Bimbimbie Lane.
Grading schedule 2024-25
March 2025
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