A guide to preparing a Statement of Heritage Impact
A Statement of Heritage Impact (SOHI) is a document that sets out the impact a development will have on the heritage values of an item, place or conservation area. It outlines:
- why the item or area has heritage significance
- what impact the proposed works will have on the item or area’s heritage significance
- what measures are proposed to mitigate negative impacts
- why more sympathetic solutions are not viable.
When you'll need a Statement of Heritage Impact
You may need you to provide a SOHI when we're assessing the extent a proposed development could impact the heritage significance of a heritage item or conservation area. These developments usually:
- alter a heritage-listed item
- are on the same site/allotment as a heritage-listed item
- are within the curtilage of a heritage-listed item
- are within a conservation area
- are on land in the vicinity of a heritage-listed item or conservation area. If this is the case, we'll let you know if you need to submit a SOHI as part of your Development Application (DA).
What a SOHI should include
- Location of the heritage item.
- Location of the development proposal.
- Nature of the development.
- Heritage significance of the item.
- How the development will impact the heritage significance of the item.
- Measures taken to reduce the adverse impact on the item.
- Alternative solutions considered, and the reasons why they're not suitable.
- A summary heritage impact statement.
- Environment and Heritage: Guidelines for Preparing a Statement of Heritage Impact
- A SOHI should draw on the statement of significance prepared as part of the site's heritage listing. Most of the time you'll need to expand this, especially when complex sites are involved.
- Ensure you discuss the proposed work with our Heritage Adviser before the detailed design stage.
- Include the written advice from our Heritage Adviser in your SOHI.
- If there is likely to be a significant adverse impact, ie, major demolition, attach any specialist building reports to the SOHI.
Who can prepare a Statement of Heritage Impact
- If there is some impact - or where the significance of the site is high - a qualified and experienced heritage professional with expertise relevant to the heritage significance of the site and impact of the proposal.
- If the impact is minimal, the owner or designer of the development could prepare a SOHI.
Example format
This example outlines an acceptable format of a SOHI. You can use a different format if it shows a clearer picture of the impact.
1. Title and date+
Include the name of the proposal and when it was prepared - eg, 'Alterations and additions to Clemenger’s Cottage, May 2014'.
2. Author of the SOHI+
Provide the name of the SOHI’s author and their heritage expertise.
3. Location of the development proposal+
Include these details:
- street address
- lot and DP number
- property name, if relevant.
4. Location of the heritage item+
Where the proposed development is separate from the listed item, or on another allotment, provide detailed information to identify the affected heritage item(s) - eg, 'no. XX Corkhill Drive, within the Tilba conservation area and adjacent to listed item YYY'.
5. Nature of the development+
- Describe the proposed development - eg, 'alterations and additions to the side and rear of the existing dwelling'.
- Include plans, elevations, and photographs to illustrate the proposal and its context.
- If appropriate, include an image of the streetscape or landscape. Make sure you state the scale and bulk of the proposed development.
6. Heritage significance of the item+
- The list of heritage items and conservation areas are in Schedule 5 of the Eurobodalla Local Environmental Plan 2012.
- The local environment plan also includes maps of Eurobodalla. These maps show the boundaries of all heritage items and conservation areas.
- You can also search the State Heritage Inventory on the NSW Heritage website.
- Each listed place has a citation or brief report that describes the heritage item, its history, and significance.
- If the citation or report is basic, it may not provide enough information to guide the impacts of building and development work. The SOHI will need to analyse the heritage significance of the site in more detail. This could include:
- further historical research
- detailed investigation and description of the site
- thorough examination of building fabric etc.
7. Impact of the development on the heritage item’s significance+
Based on the significance identified in item 6 of this example format, outline the different ways your proposal could have an impact - eg, significant form, fabric, detail, proportions, landscape, setting, streetscape, views etc.
8. Measures to reduce impacts+
Show how you've addressed each of the impacts so that the proposal is sympathetic to the site’s heritage value. Examples include:
- Works will adopt the same wall material, window proportions, roof pitch and material as the existing.
- Works are confined to the rear of the property and will not impact on the streetscape.
- New work, while modern in expression, is designed as a separate but sympathetic pavilion that is linked back to the original, showing the new from the old.
- Building has been carefully sited in the landscape to reduce its visual impact, etc. Include any recommendations from the Heritage Adviser and explain if these are integrated in the proposal. Outline relevant clauses in development control plans and/or conservation plans, and how these have been addressed.
9. Alternative solutions and why they're not suitable+
For proposals that may have a major adverse impact on an item’s heritage values, provide evidence showing why a more sympathetic solution is not suitable.
10. Summary statement of heritage impact+
The report should finish with a summary paragraph drawing on the material outlined on this page, for example:
'Clemenger’s Cottage is a good example of an Inter-war bungalow and makes an important contribution to the streetscape. Much of the building is in original condition but in need of an upgrade to meet current standards and expectations. The proposed extension of the building to the rear will follow existing details and has been designed in a manner that is sympathetic to the original. The existing decayed garage is beyond repair and will be demolished and replaced with a larger garage that will adopt similar form and details to the main dwelling. Given its rear location it will have minimal impact on the streetscape. The work is consistent with the relevant clauses in the DCP and addresses comments provided by Council’s Heritage Adviser prior to submission of this Development Application'.
Contact us
For more information please contact Council's Strategy Planner:
- T: 02 4474 1324
- E: council@esc.nsw.gov.au
Reach out to our Development Help Desk if you have any development application related questions:
- T: 02 4474 1231
- E: Council's Development Help Desk