Visitor Economy Working Group

We are currently assessing expressions of interest received during September to join a visitor economy working group. The working group will finalise and implement a new tourism delivery model for the shire.

The working group is the start of a new approach that will see industry have greater autonomy and accountability over how the visitor economy is supported and promoted.

Visitor economy

The visitor economy describes the whole environment in which visitors, local businesses and service providers interact with one another in a given location; in this case Eurobodalla Shire. The visitor economy includes international and domestic leisure travellers, business travel, business and major events, people visiting friends and relatives, and those working as part of a short term stay in Eurobodalla.

In short, the visitor economy focuses on all the elements that attract people to a region along with the infrastructure, services and economy that supports and benefits from such visits.


A new tourism delivery model was a priority action from the Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan, adopted by Council in December 2023.

Since then, tourism staff have worked up a draft model and spent significant time discussing and refining it with industry representatives including members of the Industry Advisory Group involved in the development of the Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan.

A portion of the existing Eurobodalla Shire Council tourism budget will be allocated to this industry-led working group to implement agreed priorities determined by the group. These priorities must align with the Council-endorsed Eurobodalla Destination Action Plan, which sets the direction and priorities to sustainably grow Eurobodalla's visitor economy to 2028 and beyond.

It provides a practical and prioritised Action Plan that supports regional promotion, visitation and prosperity while addressing barriers and challenges faced by the region. Importantly, it is a plan for the whole destination, not just individual businesses or operators. It aims to foster a vibrant visitor economy and promote liveability, which will deliver tangible benefits to businesses as well as the community.

Working group remit

Working cooperatively with Council, the working group will advise and implement the priority actions of the EDAP.

Initially the group will refine draft terms of reference and an operating model (including evaluation framework) for an external industry-led group that will have autonomy to develop and implement projects to grow the visitor economy. These projects, aligned with the EDAP actions, could range from marketing and visitor servicing through to industry and experience development.

The delivery model will be presented to Council for endorsement.

Once endorsed, the model would enable the working group to access the agreed operational budget and appropriate Council staff resources to help implement the agreed priorities.

This new approach will be a two-year pilot project, with robust governance and a detailed measurement and evaluation framework, which Council and the working group will evolve and refine over the two-year period.

Working group composition

While the final composition will be determined after further consultation with a minimum working group of seven successful applicants, it is envisaged the working group will be capped at nine members.

  • 7 - 9 voting members (chair elected by the group)
  • Two observers from Council
  • One ex-officio member - for example, Destination Southern NSW
  • An allowance will be available to working group members to meet travel and associated costs.

Selection criteria

Applications closed 23 September. Successful applicants will be notified week commencing 14 October 2024.

Applications will be reviewed by a panel of senior Eurobodalla Council staff and a representative from Destination Southern NSW. Applicants will be evaluated against the following selection criteria:

  • Demonstrated leadership qualities, including the ability to work collaboratively with other industry representatives and Council staff
  • Knowledge and expertise of the visitor economy in the areas of:
    • industry development and capacity building
    • marketing
    • tourism product and experience development, accommodation development, tourism visitor markets, nature-based tourism, culinary tourism
  • Events procurement and delivery
  • Quality best practice tourism and hospitality operations
  • Knowledge of the role and functions of key tourism industry stakeholders (eg. Tourism Australia, Destination NSW, Southern NSW Destination Network, National Parks & Wildlife Service, Forestry Corp, Department of Regional NSW, Regional Development Australia
  • Knowledge of economic, social and environmental challenges and opportunities for Eurobodalla’s visitor economy

Consideration will be given to sector and geographic balance as well as applicants representing Business Chambers from across the region. Applicants should be willing to work collaboratively with other industry representatives and Council staff.

More information

For more information, contact Council's Tourism Manager Andrew Sargant.