Permits for filming on public land

Council welcomes location shoots that showcase the area's natural and built assets.

If you intend to film on Council-owned land for commercial use, you will need a permit.

  • For public land, you may require permission from NSW National Parks and NSW Forestry Corporation. These land owners issue their own permits to film on their land.
  • Filming on private property requires permission of the landowner.
  • News crews are exempt and do not need a permit.

How to apply for a permit

  1. Contact Council to confirm the owner of the land you intend to film on.
  2. Download and complete the application form:
  3. Gather any relevant documentation (outlined in the application form).
  4. Return your application form and documents to Council.
  5. Council will assess your application against the NSW Local Government Filming Protocol.

Visit Screen NSW's website for more information about the NSW Local Government Filming Protocol.

Public liability insurance

To receive a permit to film on public land:

  • You must have public liability insurance for a minimum of $20M.
  • Your certificate of currency must include “Eurobodalla Shire Council and the Minister responsible for administering the Crown Lands Act” as interested parties.


We will issue permits to projects that are ultra-low to low impact within 14 days.

Larger or complex projects may take more time. This depends on traffic management, safety considerations, or construction associated with the project.

More information

Please contact us for more information on filming locations or to apply for a permit: