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Food businesses

Council works closely with more than 250 retail food businesses operating in Eurobodalla Shire to ensure community health is protected and food safety standards are met.

Council plays an active role in food regulation and promoting safe food handling practices. Council's Food Safety Program involves:

  • education
  • routine inspection of premises to make sure food businesses meet their required obligations
  • following-up complaints from members of the public.

Setting up a new food business

All food businesses in Eurobodalla Shire are required to register their business with Council in order to maintain their responsibility to sell safe and suitable food, and effectively demonstrate management of food safety risks.

To notify us of your business or to change your details, please complete our online Notification of Food Business Form:

If you are constructing, altering or renovating a food premise, you must meet Australian Standard AS4674-2004: Design Construction and Fitout of a Food Premise to gain approval from Council.

Before you start any work on your food business, you must check with Council to find out if you need to lodge a Development Application (DA).

All food businesses must also comply with Food Standards Code 3.2.3 - Food Premises and Equipment, which is a mandatory requirement for operation.

If you are starting a home-based food business, you must notify Council before you commence operating. This is necessary to maintain your responsibility to sell safe and suitable food.

Home-based food businesses include:

  • preparing food for sale at local markets or school canteens in a home kitchen
  • bed and breakfast accommodation
  • home-based childcare for a fee, including the provision of food
  • home-based catering businesses.

You may need to appoint a Food Safety Supervisor if your home-based food business sells or processes:

  • ready-to-eat food
  • potentially hazardous food that requires temperature control
  • food that is not sold in the supplier’s original packaging.

The fit-out and design of your home-based food business may be exempt from some provisions of Chapter 3 of the Food Standards Code. However, Council officers may inspect the food preparation/storage facilities at your premises before approving any exemptions. Council may also carry out regular inspections of your premises to ensure the health and safety of the community.

You can find further information and guidance on complying with Chapter 3 of the Food Standards Code. You will also find the allowances made for home-based food businesses in Appendix 10 of the Guide to the Food Safety Standards.

More information

Food safety for all food businesses

Food Safety Supervisors

A Food Safety Supervisor (FSS) is a person trained to identify and prevent risks associated with food handling on food premises. They must hold a current (less than five years old) FSS Certificate and not be designated FSS for more than one food premises. Registered training organisations provide training, and you can contact your nearest organisation for further information.

The Food Act 2003 requires certain food businesses in the NSW hospitality and retail food service sector to have at least one trained FSS. This requirement applies to businesses serving food that is ready to eat and potentially hazardous, and not sold and served in the supplier's original packaging. Some exemptions apply to certain businesses, such as:

  • coffee vendors that only heat milk
  • school canteens, childcare centres
  • not-for-profit community and charitable causes
  • supermarkets
  • businesses licensed by the NSW Food Authority.

You must keep a copy of the FSS Certificate at your food premises at all times, and you will be asked to show the certificate during routine inspections. Failure to meet this requirement can result in a fine.

Food safety training

Council provides the 'I'm Alert Food Safety Program' for all food businesses operating in Eurobodalla Shire for public health and safety.

The program provides the basic food safety principles required to run a safe food business. Once you complete the online program, you will be able to print a certificate, however this is not a formal qualification.

As part of the requirement to operate your food business, Council's Food Surveillance Officer will carry out regular inspections of your premises to help safeguard the health of our community. These inspections are part of Council's Food Safety Program and are essential to ensure you are operating in full compliance with the Food Standards Code, Food Act 2003 and Food Regulation 2015.

Inspections will include assessment of:

  • receiving methods
  • storing; processing
  • display/serving
  • packaging
  • health and hygiene knowledge of food handlers
  • premises hygiene and maintenance
  • temperature measuring and maintenance records.

Inspections may be carried out on an annual or half-yearly basis, depending on the risk rating given to your business. This rating is determined by the type of food being sold, your business' food safety record, and the preparation activities being performed on the premises.

Inspection fees are outlined under 'Food Safety Program' of Council's fees and charges.

Under work health and safety laws, all businesses must manage the risk of COVID-19 to its workers and customers.

COVID-19 Safety Plans outline actions you can take to minimise the risk of disease spreading in your workplace and in the community.

Restaurant and café businesses can follow these steps:

  1. Complete a COVID-19 Safety Plan for how your business will keep its customers and workers safe. This plan provides advice on physical distancing, hygiene and safety, staff wellbeing, and providing COVID-19 information and training to staff.
  2. Show that your business is keeping our community COVID-safe by doing such things as:
    1. sharing your completed COVID-19 Safety Plan with your staff to ensure their wellbeing
    2. training new workers to act in a COVID-safe way
    3. displaying NSW Government COVID-safe posters in your business premises.
  3. Encourage your staff to follow these simple COVID-safe behaviours.

More information

Eurobodalla Shire food retailers can show their customers that they are complying with food hygiene and safety requirements with the Scores on Doors Program. The aim of the state-wide program is to reward businesses for their efforts in maintaining excellent food handling practices.

Council officers inspect businesses and rate their hygiene and food safety standards according to compliance with the Food Standards Code as:

  • excellent (five stars)
  • very good (four stars)
  • good (three stars).

The rating considers items such as:

  • food temperature control
  • food prepared in advance of service
  • food handler hygiene
  • cleaning and sanitisation
  • pest control.

Scores on Doors offers businesses an opportunity to show customers how seriously they take food hygiene and the results they have achieved by displaying a rating certificate on their door. The program also provides an incentive for businesses to maintain high levels of food safety.

Operating a food stall at the local markets or other event in a park or other public land falls under the classification of a 'temporary food business'.

All food businesses under this classification:

All food businesses in the Eurobodalla Shire must register their business with Council to maintain their responsibility to sell safe and suitable food, and effectively demonstrate management of food safety risks.

To notify us of your business or to change your details, please complete the online Notification of Food Business Form and return it to us:

You may also need to obtain other permits/licences for your temporary event. Please refer to our Planning your event page for more information.

More information

Mobile vending in Eurobodalla Shire requires approval from Council under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993, as well as compliance with the:

How to apply for approval

You can apply for Council approval by completing the Mobile Food Vendor application form:

More information

Fact sheets

The NSW Food Authority has a range of fact sheets available on topics such as cleaning and sanitising, labelling, temperature control, using eggs safely and pest control:

Food Standards Australia New Zealand also has fact sheets available relating to health and hygiene for food handlers, transporting food, preparing and cooking food, sausage sizzles and barbecues:

We can help you

If you need more information, please contact our Public and Environmental Health Team on: