Council's marine infrastructure overview
We are reviewing and updating our Asset Management Plan which will include future direction for improvements and maintenance of our marine infrastructure.
Marine assets
Marine assets owned and maintained by Council include:
- 21 wharves, jetties, piers or pontoons
- 22 boat ramps or launching facilities
- 7.45 km of riverbank protection works
- 5 fishing platforms
- 25 fish cleaning tables
- Narooma shark net
Check out the locations on our Marine facilities page.
Council projects
We are continually working on replacements and upgrades, to significantly improve Eurobodalla’s marine infrastructure. Find out about some of our recent improvements and our current priorities:
For various reasons we cannot:
- Install fish cleaning tables at Cookies Beach boat ramp facility, South Durras due to proximity of swimmers
- Install pontoons in areas of high wave action eg Murra Mia walkway jetties, Batemans Bay
- Construct marine infrastructure over environmentally sensitive areas such as sea grass and mangroves eg extension of parking at Preddys Wharf boat ramp facility, Moruya Heads and The Loop boat ramp facility, Narooma
Funding sources
The NSW Government has been a primary source of funding for Eurobodalla’s marine facility improvements via various funding programs. Many of these funding opportunities require matched funding from Council.
Larger projects include improving boat ramps, pontoons, jetties and boat trailer parking.
Smaller scale projects include:
- providing new fishing platforms, fish cleaning tables and safety infrastructure
- improving fishing access, education, habitat rehabilitation and protection
- improving access to waterways
- research and law enforcement
We continue to advocate to obtain a higher level of funding to help ratepayers support the cost of marine infrastructure maintenance and upgrades.
We also advocate to the NSW Government to improve state-owned infrastructure to achieve positive and integrated outcomes for our waterway users.
NSW Government marine responsibilities
The NSW Government is responsible for:
- artificial reefs
- entrance and navigation rock walls
- moorings
- navigation aids
- on-going dredging of navigation channels
- marinas and deep water marinas
- the T-wharf east of Batemans Bay Bridge
- wharves of jetties for commercial operations under Crown lease or permissive occupancy
Contact us
For more information, contact Council:
- T: 4474 1000
- E: Council