Public Access

Public Access is held on the first Tuesday of the month. Public Access is for members of the public to raise any Council-related issues with councillors, which have not been previously determined by Council.

Public Access begins at 10am unless there are no speakers registered.

Public Access is held in Council Chambers and streamed live on our webcast service.

2024 Public Access dates

  • 6 February 2024
  • 5 March 2024
  • 23 April 2024 (date changed due to Union Picnic Day)
  • 7 May 2024
  • 4 June 2024
  • 2 July 2024
  • 6 August 2024
  • Cancelled: 3 September 2024 (cancelled due to local government elections caretaker period)
  • Cancelled: 1 October 2024 (cancelled due to new councillors commencing - oaths and induction to be held on 8-9 October 2024)
  • 12 November 2024
  • 3 December 2024

Presenting at Public Access

To present at Public Access:

  • register by 12pm on the business day prior. If the Monday before Public Access is a public holiday, you will need to register by 12pm on the Friday before the briefing session.
  • it is encouraged that a written copy of your presentation to Council by 12pm the business day before the session. If provided, your presentation will be published on Council's website after the session.
  • limit your presentation to seven minutes.
  • turn off your mobile phone and pagers during your presentation.
  • resist from making personal or derogatory comments during your presentation.

One hour will be allocated to Public Access. Any speakers who have not presented due to time constraints will be scheduled first on the list for the next available session.

Councillors, staff and members of the public are bound by the Code of Meeting Practice and must show mutual respect for one another. More information on how Public Access is facilitated is in Council's Code of Meeting Practice:

Register to present by contacting Council’s executive services:

Public Access presentations