Sewer Rehabilitation and Maintenance Program

Tender number: 2021-057

Successful tender:

  • Part A – Interflow Pty Ltd
  • Part B – Cleanaway Industrial Solutions Pty Ltd
  • Part C – Cleanaway Industrial Solutions Pty Ltd
  • Part D – FITT Resources Pty Ltd
  • Part E – Interflow Pty Ltd

Address of tenderer:

  • Interflow Pty Ltd - 254 Toongabbie Road, Girraween, NSW, 2145.
  • Cleanaway Industrial Solutions Pty Ltd - Level 4, 441 St Kilda Road, Melbourne, VIC, 3004.
  • FITT Resources Pty Ltd - 27 Awaba St, Lisarow, NSW, 2250.

Sub contractors:

  • Part A
    • Platinum Traffic Services
    • Civiltask/Moruya Concreting (or alternate local company).
  • Part B – Not Applicable.
  • Part C – Not Applicable.
  • Part D – Local traffic control services as required.
  • Part E – Not Applicable.

Commencement date: 25/06/2021

Duration of contract: The duration of the contract is two (2) years, with an option for a further two (2) years at Council’s discretion. The Contractor may review and revise their tendered rates (limited to CPI) prior to accepting extension for the final two (2) years.

Description of goods/services/consultancy:

The Contract enables Council to undertake its maintenance program on water, sewer, and stormwater assets. This includes:

  • Part A – Sewer Relining
  • Part B – Sewer and Stormwater CCTV and Report
  • Part C – Sewer and Stormwater Asset Pressure Cleaning
  • Part D – Manhole Refurbishment
  • Part E – Smoke Testing

Tendered amount (Incl GST): The combined budget for all Parts which for the Scope of Works is in the order of $1M-$1.5M per annum, summarised as:

  • Part A – $800,000
  • Part B – $150,000
  • Part C – $200,000
  • Part D – $75,000
  • Part E – $50,000

These are a guide only. There is provision in the Contract for the Principal to alter the scope at any time during the year to suit budgeting or other requirements.

Provision for variation to the amount: This contract may be subject to variation, the details of which will be declared if and when any variation occurs.

The amount payable can only be varied, and then only by CPI, if Council exercises the option to extend the contract for a further two (2) years.

Provisions for renegotiation: At Council’s discretion the Contract may be extended for a further two (2) years.

Method of tender: Request for Tender

Criteria of tender evaluation: Tenders were evaluated using a weighted scoring process, with a ratio of 70% Price to 30% Non-Price.

Non-Price criteria to assess:

  • Project team and evidence of sewerage infrastructure rehabilitation experience.
  • Resources, plant & equipment, systems, and products.
  • Methodology and works program.

Provision for operational and maintenance services: N/A

Confidential information: This contract and its provisions are commercial-in-confidence. The exclusion of confidential information from this Register is explained on Council's contract page.

Last updated: 2 August 2022