Fiona McCuaig - 3 December 2024

Fiona McCuaig presented to Council at the Public Access Session on 3 December 2024.

Update on Walawaani Way

Conservation Burial Bodalla

A positive update on where we are at – as we head towards the opening  in April 2025 where we will have our first natural burial on the site.

I’ve come to talk this morning to ask your help to ensure it moves along as best as possible, I’d like to be proactive and not come into the next Public Forum under pressure. There has been an incredible response from the early-bird pre-purchases and there is now much anticipation from the community for its opening.

The Eurobodalla Koala Project has planted 120 trees for Koalas and we will soon be planting habitat for the magnificent Glossy Black Cockatoo.

What I need to achieve for Opening:

1. Most conditions of the DA are completed and ready to be signed off. My planner Andrew has left so we need to be allocated another planner who can focus on it and go through what has been submitted.

2. The main concern is the agreement of the Old Princes Highway – this is the road behind the Dairy Shed and the access road to the burial. We are waiting for a response from my engineers Rygate and West and once we receive this, I request we have a face-to-face meeting with both engineers (Council and Rygate and West) so we can discuss and finalise the plan. This is the biggest risk of not being able to open in April.

3. I request that the Construction Certificate be issued without the prior agreement of the Old Princes Highway so I can begin building the Shed, roads and eco-composting toilet on the site.

Please call me if you have any questions,

Thank you

Fiona McCuaig