Sally Christiansen, on behalf of Dalmeny Matters - 3 December 2024
Sally Christiansen, on behalf of Dalmeny Matters Inc, presented to Council at the Public Access Session on 3 December 2024.
Good morning Mayor and Councillors,
Thank you for your time today.
I am here on behalf of Dalmeny Matters community association to present a petition to Council regarding the development proposed for the Dalmeny bushland with over 1000 signatures.
I want to acknowledge that this petition makes reference to the Master Plan which Council previously presented to the community, but which now sits with the owners to finalise and present to Council. This petition aims to show the high level of concern regarding this development proposal and asks for additional consultation.
I would like to give a brief overview of our concerns regarding the proposed development and ask for your help in ensuring there is meaningful community consultation during the planning stages of this project.
I would like to reiterate that in general, our members have no objection to growth and development in Dalmeny. Documents associated with the draft Housing Strategy for instance identify a lot of potential for infill development in Dalmeny, as well as the large site next to the Dalmeny IGA which will be developed as townhouses.
Our concerns and objections are specifically about the suitability of the Dalmeny bushland for housing development for several reasons which I will outline briefly. We are asking for the opportunity to go into more detail about these issues with Council and the landowners prior to the formal public exhibition period.
- Over 100 homes adjoin the development area and these resident’s privacy, amenity and property value may be significantly impacted by the development.
- Hundreds of other homes are likely to be affected by increased traffic on local streets, loss of views and construction noise.
- Local facilities and parking at Dalmeny beach and shops would be affected by an increase in population- the potential for over 400 houses is a significant increase for a village like Dalmeny. It seems only fair that locals be considered stakeholders in this process with compromises made that may help to protect people’s privacy, quiet enjoyment of their homes and valued public space for recreation.
- The natural constraints of the site will make planning for this area very challenging. We have serious concerns about the ability of the Master Plan to meet the RFS Planning for Bushfire Protection guide recommendations while also protecting the waterways onsite and retaining habitat for the threatened species present.
- To explain- there are 3 lots within the development area with 3 different owners; this spreads the development across the site, rather than making a small perimeter to defend from the fire hazard.
There are several creeks running through the area- protection of the riparian zones will essentially mean that corridors of vegetation will run through the site. There are sloped areas which will be too steep to develop so the development will likely be on the ridge lines, which brings a higher fire risk. - In this regard, the threatened species in the area are the Yellow-bellied Glider and the Glossy Black Cockatoo. If habitat areas for these species are preserved within the development area they will need to be managed into the future. We have been told that would likely mean a hazard reduction burn every 2- 5 years. This fire frequency is not compatible with the biodiversity fire thresholds for these species and therefore even if areas are put aside for them, it is unlikely they would survive in the area long term.
- Further on bushfire management: Council sold their portion of this site in 2021, the fire break behind existing houses is not being maintained by the new owner. Residents have written to Council but this is an ongoing problem.
- Areas of Dalmeny are already impacted by localised flooding. Locals have made complaints to Council about silt traps in drainage reserves not being cleared and sewage overflow is affecting properties and Mummaga Lake in storm events. Concerns about stormwater runoff impacting Mummaga Lake and Dalmeny beach has been the number 1 concern raised by locals to Council since planning for this project began. These residents deserve a response as to how this large development may affect their properties into the future.
I hope you can see the seriousness of the concerns we have been trying to raise. The community deserves clear information and the chance to have a say in the future planning for our area.
I am here today to ask for your help to ensure the community is offered meaningful consultation in this process. We would like to raise specific concerns with the owners, now that they have been given the lead in the planning process. We would like to hear their vision for the area, to understand how risks will be mitigated and whether there are plans to preserve areas for wildlife and recreation. We hope to understand what consultation is taking place with RFS in planning for bushfire protection. We deserve clear answers about how Mummaga lake will be protected and the capacity of local sewage pumping stations and the treatment facility to cope with the development. We would like a clear timeline so that residents know what to expect.
If you could please help to facilitate this, in your role as Councillors it would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Sally Christiansen
Dalmeny Matters Pres.
Council's reply
I would like to thank you for taking the time and making the effort to contribute to the Public Access Session at the Ordinary Meeting of Council on Tuesday 3 December 2024, in relation to petition to Council regarding the development proposed for the Dalmeny bushland with over 1000 signatures.
Public submissions offer insight into the views of the community and in this regard, your contribution was appreciated.
Please find below, a response for issues you raised during the Public Access Session.
As you are aware there has already been a number of community drop-in sessions and public consultation on the draft masterplan. This has provided insight into the community’s views on the development of this land.
The land has been zoned Residential for quite some time and it is a legal requirement under Council’s Local Environmental Plan that a masterplan is developed prior to the individual lots being developed. The purpose of a masterplan is to ensure that infrastructure, biodiversity, bushfire and stormwater management are considered on a locality/catchment basis rather than individual portions of land.
It is currently envisaged that when the landowners present the draft masterplan to Council, it will be reviewed by staff and presented to Council for public exhibition.
I appreciate that the decision to give the lead of the project to the developers has created uncertainty for the community, but it is also important to understand that only Council can endorse the masterplan and this process provides three touch points between Council and the community. These include the ability to raise matters before Council at the Public forum component of a Council meeting and during the public consultation of the draft masterplan. The masterplan would need to be reported to Council for public exhibition and any subsequent endorsement of the masterplan.
The Dalmeny land release area (LRA) project has been ongoing for some time, and it is Council’s view that a decision needs to be made to reduce the uncertainty for the community and landowners.
All submissions that are received as part of the public consultation, including those of relevant state agencies, will form part of the Council’s deliberations on the appropriateness of the proposed development.
Once again, I take this opportunity to thank you for your presentation made to Council.