Susan Wilson - 12 November 2024
Susan Wilson presented to Council at the Public Access Session on 12 November 2024.
Dear Mayor Hatcher and Councilors,
Thank you for this opportunity today to speak on the email I sent to you all on the 22nd of October this year. I do apologise for not providing a copy of this talk to you all, as I was not aware of the protocol until late last night.
The contents of the email I sent, was my response to the actions of the Port Headland Council in Western Australia "to call for the suspension of the Covid-19 injections because of evidence which demonstrates an inordinate level of synthetic DNA contamination in Australian Covid-19 vials."
The evidence the council were relying upon was multifaceted: the independent testing of Australian Covid-19 vaccines performed in Canada, the rise in mortality rates in the council area since Covid-19 vaccines had been administered to community members, the testimony of world renowned Professor Angus Dalgleish, a professor of oncology at St George's, University of London, and the letters to the Australian Prime Minister by the Honorable Russell Broadbent MP.
I am led to believe all councilors received the email from the Port Headland Council which contained more detailed information, and was sent to all 537 Councils across Australia. The claim that the Port Headland council is making is about a serious health concern, and must be concerning for everyone who learns of the contaminated vaccines.
I stated in my email: A full investigation is warranted. To ignore such information would be a grave error if the claims of contamination are proved correct.
The wellbeing of entire communities is at stake if this claim is true.
At this stage I cannot report that I have received any response from Mayor Hatcher or the Councilors to my email. If I am in error please let me know.
Surely the health and welfare of Eurobodalla communities must be of concern to this Council.
The new Eurobodalla Hospital is being built just down the road from this place, with $330 million investment by the Minns Labor Government, promising to deliver a higher-level of care and world class healthcare services closer to home for the entire Eurobodalla Shire community, from Narooma to Batemans Bay.
The hope invested in the new regional Level 4 Hospital is that it will reduce the need to travel for care and ultimately improve health outcomes for everyone in the Eurobodalla region, no matter where they live.
The state of the healthcare system here in Australia is of great concern to me. It appears the system is aimed at management of illnesses rather than prevention or cure. My own medical journey over the last few years, has revealed to me the less than effective advice given by experts that have led to enormous amounts of metabolic diseases that are plaguing all age groups in Australia.
I included in my email, a most informative video of Dr James Muecke, an Eye surgeon named the 2020 Australian of the Year. In the video Dr Muecke acknowledges that BIG CHANGES NEED TO BE MADE in the healthcare system, especially in the treatment of Type 2 diabetes.
If you have not accessed the video yet, I encourage you to do so, especially if you, or someone you know is prediabetic or has Type 2 Diabetes.
Doctor Reveals: Red Meat Can Prevent Blindness
No Carb Life Oct 3, 2024
Dr Muecke was also interviewed by the ABC January 28th, 2020. Here is a short summary of some important points he made-
Doctor Muecke has begun a campaign against the DIETRY CAUSED DISEASE Type 2 Diabetes. Let me say that again the DIETRY CAUSED DISEASE…..the ophthalmologist pushes for strong action from the federal government. Diabetes is now affecting nearly 1 in 10 of our population. There may be some here today on the verge of or already being treated for type 2 diabetes the DIETRY CAUSED DISEASE.
The good news is it can be reversed, put into remission…dare I say cured. No more medication…returned to good health. Did you know that?
Dr Muecke still remembers the thrilling experience a few years ago, helping someone who had actually turned their diabetes around.
“ It's so sad that for years people just have been told or assumed that okay well I've got type two diabetes. I'm stuck with it and you know the doctor is like “Well you've got type two diabetes you just need to manage it now.” and it's like they don't complete the sentence ….“cut all the junk out and your body can start to heal.” That's a wonderful thing as an ophthalmologist, as an eye specialist, to see that Improvement through this window we have into the body. Actually this damage is happening at every level, in every organ, every tissue of the body. So we're just having this opportunity to see it in Ophthalmology.
In 2023 we wrote guidelines for therapeutic carbohydrate reduction which were completed early this year and subsequently endorsed by the Australian Diabetes Society and Diabetes Australia. So this has now become mainstream advice. We just have to get that advice out there. Diabetes Australia has now taken on board Peter Brookton's Defeat Diabetes Program which is basically all about a low carb approach to improving metabolic health and reversing type 2 diabetes.
Dietitians Australia are very interested, and as of the 1st of September we've launched a 10 module metabolic Health course for dietitians.
The Australasian Metabolic Health Society, AMS, will be running the course because we need to bring GPS up to speed. We're in discussions now with the Royal College of GPS to create this opportunity for GPS to include this in their continuing professional development. We need to get this out into medical school so all of the young budding doctors that are coming through the system need to be aware of this and so I've written to all the medical schools around the country and we've had meetings with about a quarter of the medical schools at this stage saying we need to inject metabolic health into into the medical school curriculum. Nutrition is not even compulsory training in most of the major medical schools as far as I'm aware in this country and yet our poor diet is responsible for more disease and death than smoking, alcohol and physical inactivity combined.
I met with the premier of South Australia earlier this year, and he said that the thing that keeps him up at night is this Health crisis that we have and what we call ramp camp of ambulances that can't get their patients into the hospital, and so that's the government now starting to take it seriously. I've had a number of meetings at the federal level, but also at the state level, because I think in South Australia, along with the Northern Territory, we have the highest prevalence of type 2 diabetes. So I thought we could act as a model for the rest of the country. As a result of a number of meetings with the health minister of South Australia they've now set up a preventative health South Australian body to really look at and take prevention seriously. I have a number of strategies which I've shared with the government and they're now incorporated into a suite of preventative strategies which will be launched next year.
So it's exciting times and we simply need to get this right. This is getting out of control with this Health crisis. We have an obesity epidemic in children in infancy. We're seeing type 2 diabetes in children, a disease when I was in medical school that was called maturity onset diabetes. We're seeing it in kids as young as three years of age in this country and the core metabolic dysfunction is a condition called insulin resistance and it also drives the major killers in our society…. 80% of people who have heart attacks these days are insulin resistant. Stroke, dementia and many cancers as well. So this metabolic dysfunction is driving all this disease and death and if you look at Australia wide, it's been estimated roughly $20 billion are spent on type 2 diabetes but if you realize that type 2 diabetes is the driver of many of these other diseases I suspect the cost to our health system and to society, to the taxpayer is actually many many fold higher than that. So it's not just the economic drain but also the devastation. I think I mentioned earlier a guy called Neil Hansel who woke up blind that morning, blind in both eyes. He's had nine amputations of his left leg; he's had two heart attacks and a stroke. I mean it's absolutely devastating the impact of this disease on patients . We know that roughly 50% of people who attempt remission can put their type two diabetes into remission and if we look at you know let's say two million people in this country that we know have type two diabetes and there's about another 3 million more who have pre-diabetes, if you can actually turn around even half that number of patients you know the cost to the health system, to the taxpayer, will be vastly reduced and and of course the burden of the disease on the individual, on the family, will also be reversed. So it's something we should be aspiring to and we should be giving hope to our patients. Not telling them they've got a progressive disease that will require medication and ultimately they will succumb to a whole raft of really nasty complications and an early death.
South Australia can be a model for the rest of the country and then Australia can be the model for the rest of the world. This is a global phenomenon. This is not just happening in Australia.”
Perhaps the new Eurobodalla Hospital can become a world leader in the reversal of metabolic diseases, especially as we have a significant indigenous population in the Eurobodalla region, who would benefit from preventative strategies.
“Saturated fat and red red meat is critical for health, so we need to change that awareness around. We need to have awareness of the preventability of type 2 diabetes. If it's in the family it doesn't mean that you have this life sentence. We need awareness around the potential reversibility of type 2 diabetes. So there needs to be a broad awareness campaign to change.”
There is so much more valuable information in this interview.
I will end with this
Total annual cost impact of diabetes in Australia estimated at nearly $20 billion
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians are three times more likely to develop type 2 diabetes than non-Indigenous Australians, 4.3 times more likely to be hospitalised with type 2 diabetes, and four times as likely to die from it.
- Around 1.3 million people are hospitalised with diabetes-related conditions every year
- Type 2 diabetes accounts for 85% of all diabetes and is increasing
Thank you for your attention. My hope is that the Council will take action, to be part of the change that is needed in our healthcare system and make a stand like the Port Headland Council, in calling for a suspension of Covid-19 injections.
Kind regards,
Susan Wilson
Council's reply
Council has previously advocated to Health for primary care, allied health and mental health services across the shire. We support the promotion of Health via libraries, community centres, events and expos. In addition, Council has worked with SE NSW Health in relation to the new Eurobodalla Regional Hospital and essential inclusions in the facility.