Peter Bernard - 8 December 2015
Peter Bernard made the following comments in the Public Access Session at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 8 December 2015.
Note regarding submission from Mr Peter Bernard at Public Access session on 8 December 2015:
- During Mr Bernard’s reading of his submission on 8 December 2015, Mr Bernard stated that “not one councillor” was in attendance at the Coastal Management meetings in Narooma.
- Councillor Burnside raised a point of order stating that he was in attendance at the meetings.
- The Mayor accepted the point of order and asked that Mr Bernard’s submission be amended accordingly.
Non Agenda Item – “Flat Out”
Mr Mayor. As you would be aware a number of public meetings covering Coastal Management, Reform, Intended Effects and the Introduction of a Coastal Management Bill have been held. I must say the two that I attended at Narooma were interesting. I was somewhat disappointed that … nor the General Manager were in attendance. I also expected that Councillors Brown and … both residing adjacent to one of the worse affected commercial and residential coastal areas in this Shire would be present. The absence of … , commercial representation, residents and shop owners was noticeable and could indicate many have lost confidence in their representatives on the council and NSW and Federal governments in general.
I, however, still have some confidence that the Narooma Flat area can be protected to enable its survival at least to the latter half of this century, 120 years after being identified on planning maps for reclamation. This, however, will depend on the immediate hiring of a suitably qualified Hydraulics Engineer and rectification of drainage works carried out on those recently modified works attempting to correct previous modifications. All this has happened and the General Manager should confirm or deny whether any “Hydraulics” and “Environmental” studies have been carried out. Mr Mayor, you and Councillor Burnside were very lucky when drinking coffee “in the quarter deck of the 26th day of November 2015. If both of you were there on the 27th you would have got your “Tootsies” wet even if you were both wearing “thongs”. On that day despite doubling the capacity of some Narooma Flat pipe paths many areas in Riverside Drive and its parklands were flooded, water spewed out of grates in Blue Water and Riverside Drive and from open drainage systems. “How is this so!” “Not one drop of rain had fallen!” Madam General Manager, like a good girl guide, be prepared. This may happen on many occasions if the same sea state and tidal conditions are experienced between now and the New Year. It may develop in a disaster situation if significant rain falls during high tide periods. The Mayor and Councillor Burnside will need a change from “thongs” to “gum boots” and then “running shoes”. The “Town” and the “tourists” will be following them – flat out. Mr Mayor. I refer you to an email dropped in my Letter box and I thank the author Neil Burnside for his vision and consider it worth reading.
Peter Bernard
Council reply
Thank you for your submission to Council at the Public Access Session held on 8 December 2015.
In response to your submission, I advise that enquiries regarding hydraulic studies and drainage works in Narooma have previously been responded to, and most recently in a letter to you dated 4 December 2015. In that letter, staff provided answers to a variety of questions raised by you, a number which refer to works recently carried out in Narooma. A copy has been attached for your convenience.
I also advise that the comments in your submission to Council regarding coastal management, have been noted.