Frequently asked questions

These questions were asked by community members who completed our community feedback survey about Moruya River, Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet in late 2020.

What is a coastal management program?

A coastal management program is a long-term strategy for the management of coastal areas. Under the NSW Coastal Management Act 2016, having a certified coastal management program enables access to NSW Government funding allocated under the NSW Coastal Management Program.

Importantly for Council, this funding is only available for projects identified in a certified Coastal Management Program.

A coastal management program for estuaries aims to:

  • manage risks from coastal hazards, such as coastal erosion
  • restore degraded coastal habitats adjacent to estuaries
  • improve the general health of estuaries and their associated wetlands and adjacent habitats such as littoral rainforests
  • improve the accessibility and amenity of estuaries, where possible, for the community to use and enjoy their natural recreational and aesthetic benefits.

You can learn more about the coastal management process in NSW on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water's website.

Where can I view the survey results?

The survey period ended on in September 2020. You can see the results on the Coastal Estuary Management Plan Moruya, Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet web page.

What research and approval process allowed the decision to commence netting in Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet?

The NSW Department of Primary Industry determine fishing rights, and Council is not involved in this process.

For questions about fishing rights please contact the NSW Department of Primary Industry. If you have specific questions about Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet, please contact the Department's Narooma office:

Will Lewis Island be considered in this management plan for Wagonga Inlet?

Yes. Lewis Island is within the scope of the management plan. Discussions around the future and management of the island will be ongoing during the process.

Lewis Island is well known and loved by many community members and visitors. It is an important shelter for significant communities of mangroves and seagrasses, it also provides foraging and nesting ground for vulnerable shorebirds.

What plans are there to review the current commercial fishing arrangements in the Moruya river?

The NSW Department of Primary Industry determine commercial fishing arrangements. Council is not involved in this process.

For questions about commercial fishing arrangements specific to Moruya River, please contact the Department:

Will Moruya River boat access be upgraded so more than one boat can be launched at a time?

Council is developing a new asset management plan to provide future direction for improvements, renewals and maintenance of Eurobodalla’s marine facilities.

The plan will identify and prioritise marine infrastructure projects for the next ten years and provide crucial support for grant funding applications.