Coastal hazard information sessions

Media release: 28 September 2017

New mapping shows that 1,000 coastal properties in the Eurobodalla could be at risk of inundation while 150 are potentially facing coastal erosion.

The maps were prepared for Eurobodalla Council’s Coastal Management Program, and now the Council is hosting a series of information sessions for residents and ratepayers to discuss how coastal hazards might impact the Eurobodalla long-term.

Council is required by law to prepare a Coastal Management Program to manage the risks from long-term coastal hazards, such as inundation from storm surges and sea-level rise, and coastal erosion.

The technical report was prepared by the University of NSW Water Research Laboratory and jointly funded by the NSW Government’s Office of Environmental and Heritage.

It includes maps that will replace the investigation areas identified in Council’s Interim Coastal Hazards Adaptation Code. Once adopted, the maps will provide certainty to land owners about development on and investment in coastal property and will also remove the need for developers and home builders to conduct coastal hazard studies for individual properties.

The maps identify 1,000 properties throughout the shire at risk of inundation. Council has written to owners of those properties inviting them to attend a public information session where they can see the maps and ask questions of Council staff and the consultant. Three information sessions will be held and all ratepayers and residents are welcome to attend.

Owners of the 150 properties identified as at potential risk of coastal erosion have been invited to private, small-group information sessions.

Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes encouraged the community to attend the public information sessions, but reminded residents that the Coastal Management Program starts from the position of climate change being accepted, as is required in legislation.

“Whether you believe in climate change or you don’t, the fact of the matter is Council is required to plan for these potential coastal hazards by law,” she said.

“I encourage residents and ratepayers to come along and learn about the issues they will need to consider as a community to make Eurobodalla’s environment, economy and coastal lifestyles more resilient to changing coastal pressures.”

Work on the Coastal Management Program will continue next year when Council will ask the community what options they think should be adopted to manage and protect the coast from the identified hazards. Measures might include engineered hard structures, such as rock walls, pumping sand to prevent erosion, known as beach nourishment, soft engineering that includes constructing new sand dunes or things like planning and development controls.

“We will be seeking feedback from the community next year on these options, however this stage of the project is simply presenting the results of the technical assessment,” Cr Innes said.

“There is no need to make an appointment for the sessions – there will be no formal presentation and residents can feel free to drop in at any time.”

The information drop-in sessions will be held on:

  • Tuesday 10 October at Village Centre, Perry Street, Batemans Bay, 12pm to 4pm
  • Wednesday 11 October at Malua Bay Surf Club, Beach Road, 12pm to 4pm
  • Thursday 12 October at Tomakin Community Hall, Ainslie Parade, 12pm to 4pm