Mayor calls for unity on Mackay Park

Media release: 7 November 2017

Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes has called for unity on the Mackay Park aquatic and arts project in Batemans Bay.

The mayor says a high-profile resignation from the community-based project committee has taken focus away from Council’s grant application to fund the $46 million project.

“I want the community to understand that this wonderful project for our region is still at the concept stage.

“Arguing over detail and process at this point is only detracting from our goal, which is to achieve government funding to build the facility.

“I understand there are people with strong feelings about a 50-metre pool and others who feel they aren’t being heard about the performing arts space.

“The detail will come once we’ve secured funding. First we need to show the NSW and Australian governments that we have a concept that is excellent and affordable. And we do.”

“I call on the community to come together and support this concept. Let’s get the facility funded, then we can really start to drill down into the details.”