Progress on Mackay Park precinct plans

Media release: 5 April 2017

The Mackay Park Precinct Sunset Committee chaired by Mayor Liz Innes met recently to talk about the potential mix of uses and space requirements for the redevelopment of the former Batemans Bay bowling club site.

The committee was formed after Council purchased the site last year and will help investigate development opportunities for the precinct and represent the broader interests of the Eurobodalla community.

The nine community and four council representatives have now met twice, and Mayor Liz Innes says she is satisfied with progress so far.

“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us as a community and we need to invest the time to get it right.”

“The precinct is a vital gateway site for our whole shire and the redevelopment will take as long as it takes to get the right outcome,” she said.

Council bought the former bowling club site in April 2016 with a view to partner with private developers to redevelop the bowling club and aquatic centre sites. Four companies have so far expressed interest in redeveloping the site with Council.

The committee met late last month to hear from Otium Planning Group, who presented preliminary ideas for how the precinct could be developed.

Council engaged Otium early this year to prepare a concept plan and business case for the future redevelopment of the site. Their work will allow Council to meet the Office of Local Government guidelines for a potential public-private partnership, and support future grant applications.

The final proposal for the site is expected to incorporate features identified by the community and Council, including an aquatic and recreation centre, arts and cultural facility, conference and event space, tourist accommodation, residential accommodation, restaurant and cafes, and a gateway visitor centre.

Mayor Liz Innes asked committee members to keep an open mind about the options.

“An important consideration in the development of the site is not only that it meets the needs of the community, but also that it is affordable now and into the future.

“Its early days and we’re still very much in the phase of sharing ideas and gathering information. The committee is already making a valuable contribution, and from this meeting they will be providing feedback on the specific space and usage elements that could be considered as the concepts develop,” she said.

“We know we have to be smart about this development to be responsible to our community and ratepayers. There is no doubt that there will be challenges meeting the community’s expectations and vision for this site but I am confident that by working closely with this passionate committee and the broader community we will achieve a realistic outcome we can all be proud of.”