RMS to lease Batemans Bay bowling club site

Media release: 19 June 2018

Eurobodalla Council will lease the former Batemans Bay bowling club site to Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) for its use during construction of the new Batemans Bay Bridge.

Councillors agreed to grant the lease at last Tuesday’s Council meeting, following negotiations with RMS since December 2017.

The site will be used by RMS as the main compound for the bridge project and will include a temporary office and storage for vehicles, materials, plant and equipment.

The lease will commence 1 July 2018 for a three-year term with a one-year extension option.

Demolition of the former bowling club building is permitted as part of the lease and was the preferred option for RMS to allow more efficient use of the site.

The expected timeframe of demolition of the building will be a decision for RMS.

A valuation revealed the site was worth more with the building demolished, and the report presented to Council noted it was more cost effective for ratepayers if RMS demolished the building, rather than Council demolishing it at the end of the lease.

Items of local and sentimental value have been removed in consultation with members of the local historical society and bowling clubs, and remaining items will be sold or re-used by Council.