New Mogo adventure strategy in development

Media release: 27 May 2019

Mogo could become an adventure trail hub under a new strategy being developed by Eurobodalla Shire Council.

Funded by the Australian Government’s Building Better Regions Fund, the strategy will look at how trails surrounding Mogo could potentially be connected via an established network.

The strategy will address land tenure, permit and management issues, identify the need for facilities and services and identify opportunities for local businesses to cater for trail users.

Eurobodalla Mayor Liz Innes said the strategy was identified as an opportunity in Council’s nature-based tourism feasibility study, which is currently being finalised.

“The study identified that there is an opportunity for a defined adventure trail hub catering for a range of trail-based activities and events,” she said.

“There is natural bushland surrounding Mogo that has potential for things like mountain-bike riding, horse-riding, cross-country running and bushwalking, as well as nature study, picnicking, and other outdoor activities.”

Clr Innes said Eurobodalla was renowned for its natural environment and the project aligned with Council’s new brand strategy, which was about positioning Eurobodalla as a place for visitors to unleash their natural spirit and immerse themselves in nature.

“Council has already had great success in attracting several national mountain bike events to the area with the Jetblack Wild Wombat in 2018, set to return later this year, as well as the Angry Doctor Ride and Mogo Resurrection Rides in the past,” she said.

“The possibility of linking trails, infrastructure and facilities would open up further opportunities for hosting new events and encouraging more visitors to our wonderful region. There are many examples where villages around the world have become mountain-bike hubs and it has resulted in significant benefits to their local economy.”

Council has appointed specialist consultants TRC Tourism to develop the strategy in collaboration with key stakeholders through a working group.

For more information head to the Mogo Adventure Trail Hub Strategy page.