Fishing for feedback on estuary plan

Published: 10 November 2021

Eurobodalla Council is seeking community feedback on a draft plan outlining actions to protect the Moruya River, Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet estuaries.

The Estuaries Coastal Management Program sets a long-term strategy for the three estuaries and seeks to address risks to their ecological, social, and economic values.

Eurobodalla Council’s coastal planner Cameron Whiting said both Council and the community placed a high value on Eurobodalla’s clean, beautiful and healthy coastal environment.

“There’s an overriding desire to protect these estuaries for future generations however balancing environmental interests with the community’s aspirations can sometimes be complex, particularly given the threats and challenges facing the estuaries,” he said.

“Sea level rise, population growth, pollution, the impacts of livestock grazing, public access to sensitive habitats, and multiple government agencies having a role in coastal management, are just a few.

“The coastal management program gives us an agreed long-term strategy that makes a joint commitment to managing our estuaries in the face of these threats long-term.

“Once it’s certified, it also helps Council access funding to carry out the actions.”

Priority actions within the plan include detailed mapping of coastal vulnerability areas for Dalmeny, Moruya and Wagonga, investigating coastal wetland migration pathways, identifying areas at risk of future tidal inundation, and managing at-risk Aboriginal heritage sites.

Trialling litter capturing devices on Moruya stormwater pipes, stabilising banks at Brierley’s Boat Ramp and Russ Martin Park, introducing a revegetation and monitoring program for Brices Bay and undertaking a water quality study of Malabar Lagoon are also listed.

The community is welcome to provide feedback on the draft Estuaries Coastal Management Program for Moruya River, Mummaga Lake and Wagonga Inlet until Wednesday 5 January 2022.

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